
Aztec Tribe Rappers

1 Jan 2000admin

Aztec Tribe - Straight From Tha ZoneWritten by 2xDope on 15 April 2018.There are a few albums that I would consider the soundtrack to my high school years: 'It's On' (Dr. Dre), 'The Chronic', but on the underground scene 'Fully Strapped', Born Without A Konscience and last but definitely not least 'Straight From Tha Zone'.Let me start off with how fun 'Straight From Tha Zone' is to listen. There is a lot of chemistry between Madman and the the 5 other members that you not only hear but can sense from the dynamic energy heard on each verse.

Aztec Tribe - How Ya Livin. 1993, Record, Rap, San Diego, California, Lite Album Records. Complete your Aztec Tribe music collection. Find CDs, tapes & records.

Though, if you're into historic accuracy and portrayal then you'll find some irregularities with some stuff here and there regarding the themes or lyrical content, like the use of a tomahawk or a battle ax (in Mesoamerican civilizations it's the macuahuitli) or the Indian chanting you hear in the intro. We get to hear Mr.

Lil One speak in the intro briefly before the beat drops and with a loud thump begins 'Commin' In Stalkin'.I must have been 15 or 16 when I first heard this song, and I was instantly hooked. Almost positive this was the first song I had heard by them back when LimeWire was the place to download all your content. It would be many years later before I found a complete download and many more years before I finally copped a physical copy. Right away, you get drawn into the rhythmic flows of 'Everybody Bounce' which I dare say is the one song everybody loves. The samples are synchronized and blend together in what naturally sounds like one single sound.

I'd say this emphasizes the genius behind the production of the record.Moving on further into the album, I've always got the impression that that 'Something For The Homies' and 'Rollin' In My Ride' were so similar, maybe it was recorded in the same session, because the energy spills over from one song into the other. The songs are well put, makes the entire record sound balanced.

The interlude makes you appreciate Madman's versatility to sample music of different genres.The setup for the track list is well thought out, too. The way 'Step Into Tha Hood' is followed by 'Straight From Tha Zone' is dope, you almost feel like these two songs were also recorded in the same take.

I loved Ice Cube's sample of ' eses deep don't fuck with them boys' on 'Step Into Tha Hood'. When I first heard 'Straight From Tha Zone' I was hoping it was a remix of 'Diego Town', the way the intro was alluding to it.You can tell they had fun in the recording process of 'Do Ya Wanna Funk', it's an upbeat party oriented jam. In the final quarter of the album, we get to hear the album wrapped up nicely, 'T.R.I.B.E' has become one of my favorite tracks off the album for the way that the first verse is executed. The remix to 'Coming In Stalking' (labeled 'Caught Slippin') is dope, often makes me wonder if they had other remixes planned for their other popular tracks.

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The shootouts in the outro are a hilarious, profanity laced way to close out the album.It all boils down to the facts that Hip-Hop, Gangster Rap and Chicano Rap can be congruent. One can only wonder why the individual group members, as gifted as they were, didn't pursue individual careers as solo artists.01. Tribal Ceremony02. Commin' In Stalkin'03.

Everybody Bounce (feat. Something For The Homies05. Madman (Interlude)06. Step Into Tha Hood07. Straight From Tha Zone08.

Rollin' In My Ride09. Do Ya Wanna Funk10. T.R.I.B.E (It's A Tribe Thang)11. Caught Slippin' G FUNK REMIX12. Tribal ShoutsTags.

Contents.Near East Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient and believed that snakes were immortal because they could infinitely shed their skin and appear forever youthful, appearing in a fresh guise every time. The worshipped a serpent god named. Before the arrival of the, snake cults were well established in in the, for archaeologists have uncovered serpent in Bronze Age strata at several pre-Israelite cities in Canaan: two at, one at, one in the sanctum sanctorum of the Area H temple at, and two at.In the surrounding region, serpent cult objects figured in other cultures. A late Bronze Age shrine in northern Syria contained a bronze statue of a god holding a serpent in one hand and a staff in the other.

In sixth-century Babylon a pair of bronze serpents flanked each of the four doorways of the temple of. At the Babylonian New Year's festival, the priest was to commission from a woodworker, a metalworker, and a goldsmith two images, one of which 'shall hold in its left hand a snake of cedar, raising its right hand to the god '. At the tell of Tepe Gawra, at least seventeen Early Bronze Age bronze serpents were recovered. Snake motif on Bronze Age pottery from,. United Arab Emirates Significant finds of pottery, bronze-ware and even gold depictions of snakes have been made throughout the.

The and metallurgical centre of has yielded probably the richest trove of such objects, although finds have been made bearing snake symbols in Bronze Age sites at,. Most of the depictions of snakes are similar, with a consistent dotted decoration applied to them.Although the widespread depiction of snakes in sites across the UAE is thought by archaeologists to have a religious purpose, this remains conjecture.

Who plays a major role in various and religionsIn Africa the chief centre of serpent worship was, but the cult of the python seems to have been of exotic origin, dating back to the first quarter of the 17th century. By the conquest of Whydah the Dahomeyans were brought in contact with a people of serpent worshippers, and ended by adopting from them the beliefs which they at first despised. At Whydah, the chief centre, there is a serpent temple, tenanted by some fifty snakes. Every python of the danh-gbi kind must be treated with respect, and death is the penalty for killing one, even by accident. Danh-gbi has numerous wives, who until 1857 took part in a public procession from which the profane crowd was excluded; a python was carried round the town in a hammock, perhaps as a ceremony for the expulsion of evils.

The rainbow-god of the Ashanti was also conceived to have the form of a snake. His messenger was said to be a small variety of boa, but only certain individuals, not the whole species, were sacred. In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives. Among the Amazulu, as among the of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes. The, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe. Eva Meyerowitz wrote of an earthenware pot that was stored at the Museum of Achimota College in Gold Coast.

The base of the neck of this pot is surrounded by the rainbow snake (, p. 48). The legend of this creature explains that the rainbow snake only emerged from its home when it was thirsty.

Keeping its tail on the ground the snake would raise its head to the sky looking for the rain god. As it drank great quantities of water, the snake would spill some which would fall to the earth as rain (, p. 48).There are four other snakes on the sides of this pot: Danh – gbi, the life giving snake, Li, for protection, Liwui, which was associated with Wu, god of the sea, and Fa, the messenger of the gods (, p. 48). The first three snakes Danh – gbi, Li, Liwui were all worshipped at Whydah, Dahomey where the serpent cult originated (, p. 48). For the Dahomeans, the spirit of the serpent was one to be feared as he was unforgiving (, p. 17). They believed that the serpent spirit could manifest itself in any long, winding objects such as plant roots and animal nerves. They also believed it could manifest itself as the umbilical cord, making it a symbol of fertility and life (, p. 17).is a water spirit or class of spirits associated with fertility and healing, usually depicted as a woman holding a large snake or with the lower body of a serpent or fish. She is worshipped in West, Central, and Southern Africa and the African diaspora.

African diasporic religion In, the creator is represented as a serpent, and his wife is called the '.' In West African mythology, Ayida-Weddo is believed to hold up the sky. Are a type of serpentine loa in Haitian Vodou. They are associated with water and sometimes are believed to act as serving. Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptians worshipped snakes, especially the cobra.

The cobra was not only associated with the, but also many other deities such as,. Serpents could also be evil and harmful such as the case of. They were also referenced in the, in which Spell 39 was made to help repel an evil snake in the underworld. Get away from me, you snake! Go, be drowned in the Lake of the Abyss, at the place where your father commanded that the slaying of you should be carried out.' Wadjet was the patron goddess of Upper Egypt, and was represented as a cobra with spread hood, or a cobra-headed woman.

She later became one of the protective emblems on the pharaoh's crown once Upper and Lower Egypt were united. She was said to 'spit fire' at the pharaoh's enemies, and the enemies of Ra. Sometimes referred to as one of the eyes of Ra, she was often associated with the lioness goddess, who also bore that role. The Americas North America such as the give reverence to the rattlesnake as grandfather and king of snakes who is able to give fair winds or cause tempest. Among the Hopi of, snake-handling figures largely in a dance to celebrate the union of Snake Youth (a Sky spirit) and Snake Girl (an Underworld spirit). The rattlesnake was worshipped in the temple of the sun.

The evidently reverenced the serpent, as the demonstrates, though we are unable to unravel the particular associations. Mesoamerica.

The classic Maya vision serpent, as depicted atThe deity and the (both meaning 'feathered serpent') figured prominently in their respective cultures of origin. Kukulkan ( in Maya) is associated with iconography in. Kukulkan was an official state deity of in the northern. In many Mesoamerican cultures, the serpent was regarded as a portal between two worlds. The worship of Quetzalcoatl dates back to as early as the 1st century BC at. In the Postclassic period (AD 900-1519), the cult was centered at.

Quetzalcoatl was associated with wind, the dawn, the planet Venus as the morning star, and was a tutelary patron of arts, crafts, merchants, and the priesthood. South America. The from the, depicts a fanged and clawed figure with snakes for hair.Serpents figure prominently in the art of the pre-Incan, as can be seen at the type-site of in.

In the mythology featured a serpent figure in stories about a deluge. in also maintains a legend of a 'Serpent God' living in the waters, which the tribe worshipped by placing and jewelry into the lake.

Asia Cambodia Serpents, or, play a particularly important role in mythology. A well-known story explains the emergence of the from the union of Indian and indigenous elements, the latter being represented as. According to the story, an Indian named Kaundinya came to Cambodia, which at the time was under the dominion of the naga king. The naga princess sallied forth to fight against the invader but was defeated. Presented with the option of marrying the victorious Kaundinya, Soma readily agreed to do so, and together they ruled the land. The are their descendants. A roadside temple to Snakes, Indiaform an important part of Hindu mythology.

They play prominent roles in various legends:. (Aadi shesha, Anantha) on whom does yoga nidra (Anantha shayana). is the king of Nagas.

poisoned the river where he lived. Krishna subdued Kaliya and compelled him to leave the river.

is the queen of the snakes. is half and half naga. A snake is commonly depicted around 's neck.is an important Hindu festival associated with snake worship which takes place of the fifth day of (July–August).

Snake idols are offered gifts of milk and incense to help the worshipper to gain knowledge, wealth, and fame.Different districts of Bengal celebrate the serpent in various ways. In the districts of East Mymensing, West Sylhet, and North Tippera, serpent-worship rituals were very similar, however (, p. 5). On the very last day of the Bengali month Shravana, all of these districts celebrate serpent-worship each year (, p. 5). Regardless of their class and station, every family during this time created a clay model of the serpent-deity – usually the serpent-goddess with two snakes spreading their hoods on her shoulders. The people worshipped this model at their homes and sacrificed a goat or a pigeon for the deity's honor (, p. 5). Before the clay goddess was submerged in water at the end of the festival, the clay snakes were taken from her shoulders. The people believed that the earth these snakes were made from cured illnesses, especially children's diseases (, p. 6).These districts also worshipped an object known as a Karandi (, p. 6).

Resembling a small house made of cork, the Karandi is decorated with images of snakes, the snake goddess, and snake legends on its walls and roof (, p. 6). The blood of sacrificed animals was sprinkled on the Karandi and it also was submerged in the river at the end of the festival (, p. 6).Among the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya, there exists a legend of snake worshipping. The snake deity is called 'U Thlen' (lit: Python or large serpent) and it is said to demand human sacrifice from his worshippers. Those who can provide the Thlen with human blood, are usually rewarded with riches, but he would shame those who cannot provide the needed sacrifice. The subject of the Thlen is still a sensitive subject among the Khasis, and in recent years,in some rural areas, people have been killed in the name of being 'Nongshohnoh' or Keepers of the Thlen, the evil snake God.As kul devata also nagas are worship at many parts of India including Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

In Madhya Pradesh a village Sironja Gadariya in KATNI District people worship naga as a god of their ancestry. They are mainly brahman who worship Shiva also. They are descendants of bharadwaj saga and using Surname Dwivedi. In this village people are worship naga dev in every ceremony like birth, marriage, and any other small and special events. They also claim that even a real serpent mostly cobra living with them but never harm any one. They consider that they are their ancestors who are cursed due to some wrong deeds.Finally another tradition in Hindu culture relating to brings up, a type of spiritual energy said to sit at the base of the human spine.

The term means 'coiled snake' in Sanskrit roots and several goddesses are associated with its vitality, including. China Eight dragon kings who assembled at the gathering where preached the, as described in the sutra. Kumarajiva's translation of the Lotus Sutra refers to them by their Sanskrit names: Nanda, Upananda, Sagara, Anavatapta, Manasvin, and Utpalaka. According to the 'Introduction' (first) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, each attends the gathering accompanied by several hundreds of thousands of followers. Korea In, the wealth goddess, appears as an eared, black snake. Chilseongshin (the equivalent to Eobshin) and her seven daughters are all snakes.

These goddesses are deities of orchards, courts, and protect the home. According to the Jeju Pungtorok, 'The people fear snakes. They worship it as a god.When they see a snake, they call it a great god, and do not kill it or chase it away.' The reason for snakes symbolizing worth was because they ate rats and other pests.

Japan (松浦佐用姫) was a legendary heroine in mythology. As recounted, she was born to Lord Kyōgoku after he and his wife prayed to the. After her father's death, Sayohime was too poor to sponsor a memorial service for him; to raise funds, she sold herself to a man named Gonga no Tayu, who (unbeknownst to Sayohime) intended to sacrifice her to the snake deity of his village in place of his own daughter. When presented to the snake, Sayohime read from the, enabling the deity to achieve enlightenment and shed its monstrous form.

The deity then returned Sayohime to the care of her mother. Australia In Australia, Austronesian Australoid religions tell of a huge python, known by a variety of names but universally referred to as the, that was said to have created the landscape, embodied the spirit of fresh water, and punished lawbreakers. The in southwest Australia called the serpent the Waugyl, while the of the east coast worshipped the mythical. Europe Ancient Rome Serpent worship was well known in ancient Europe. The Roman took the form of a serpent. In Italy, the goddess, whose name derives from the word for 'serpent,' was associated with witches, snakes, and snake-charmers. Angitia is believed to have also been a goddess of healing.

Aztec Tribe Rappers

Her worship was centered in the region.A snake was kept and fed with milk during rites dedicated to, a god. On the Iberian Peninsula there is evidence that before the introduction of Christianity, and perhaps more strongly before Roman invasions, serpent worship was a standout feature of local religions (see ). To this day there are numerous traces in European popular belief, especially in Germany, of respect for the snake, possibly a survival of ancestor worship: The 'house snake' cares for the cows and the children, and its appearance is an omen of death; and the lives of a pair of house snakes are often held to be bound with that of the master and the mistress. Tradition states that one of the Gnostic sects known as the caused a tame serpent to coil around the, and worshipped it as the representative of the Savior. In Lanuvium (32 km from Rome) a big snake was venerated as a god and they offered human sacrifice to it. See Plutarch, and Sextus Propertius.