
Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors Wiki

1 Jan 2000admin

The story follows the player character Junpei, a college student who is abducted and placed aboard a.

Seek a way out!.: A large part of the ship is a converted hospital. Some of the rooms are pretty creepy.: Building Q, out in the middle of the Nevada desert, where part of the Nonary Project experimentation is carried out. And also where the events of the game, unbeknown to most of the cast, play out. In a nod to the real status of the site, it is a private building of a multinational rather than a gvt. Bldg.: Nine, you schmuck. To be specific:.

The Nonary Game itself: 9 victims, 9 hours to escape, numbered doors from 1 to 9, 9 seconds before the numbered doors close when they open them, and 81 seconds (9.9) to find the detonator-deactivation-scanner once inside. Speaking of ages, the digital root of everyone's age? Ace (50) + Snake (24) + Santa (24) + Clover (18) + Junpei (21) + June (21) + Seven (45) + Lotus (40) = 243 = 2 + 4 + 3 = 9. The 9th man doesn't count, unless his age is a digital root of 9 on its own. In several parts of the game you use different bases substituting a letter for an extra number. Taking the whole alphabet into account (A=10, B=11.Z=35, 10=36), if you substitute the letters in zero for numbers you get 35+14+27+24=99. Using digital roots 9+9=18, 1+8=9.

Therefore the word Zero equals nine. If you got the True Ending, you'll have gone through nine puzzle rooms. Furthermore, the final puzzle in the True Ending is a sudoku puzzle, which is all about sets of nine. Possibly related:, as 9 in Japan is considered cursed. Various bits of dialogue from examining things in puzzles can result in conversations like. Ace: 'There's nothing in the drawer anymore.' Junpei: 'Nuh-uh, there's air.'

Ace: 'How old are you, 9?!' . In the Captain's Quarters after telling Clover about the bookmark Santa gave you she takes 6 paces to the left, 6 paces to the right, then 6 paces to the left.

6+6+6=18 1+8=9. A key aspect of the game revolved around the calculation of Digital Roots. Although not explicitly stated, calculating a Digital Root is mathematically equivalent to calculating the number modulo 9.: Junpei is called 'Jumpy' by his childhood friend June, while June is called 'Kanny' by Junpei.: There's a bit of backstory that's only available.: Snake. His left arm is conveniently able to be manipulated so that he can slip his bracelet off, though he keeps that one secret.

It's also a major plot point, proving that the corpse believed to be Snake, against all odds, is not actually Snake, because it has a broken bone in the left arm.: Although you have to admit you feel pity for them. /: Lotus and Seven.

by.: Clover, in the.: It possibly occurs after every puzzle except for vital items such as keys. However, the keys are removed from your inventory but still shown to be in your possession so it is possible that you still have everything else. Actually, when Junpei is asked for matches later in the game, he says he has none, even if you pick them up back in room 4. The matches wouldn't have done any good, lighting the engine.

None of the equipment even appears to be of any use otside the room it is placed in. Also Seven has been shown to use some of the items to hold the doors open so the group can backtrack.: Junpei pulls this off in a few scenes. In two of them, Junpei tricks the other players so he can choose the doors he wants. In another scene, Junpei sets a trap on Ace by pretending that he switched clothes with Santa.

Ace's inability to recognize faces caused him to fall for the trap and reveal himself as the game's villain.: When Lotus is called old or otherwise, such as being called an 'exhibitionist grandma.' . Also, Snake in Ending 4 over Clover's death.: Ace, or rather, Gentarou Hongou.: Snake and Santa.: Seven, nine years ago.: There's one at the library.: You think Snake actually died behind Door 3? Turns out it was someone else, and the killer couldn't tell who they killed.: What happens to the 'True Ending' if you don't go through the Safe Ending first.: Clover, when it isn't.: Snake and Clover.

Also, Santa and June.: The last person you'd expect, June/Akane. Words of God says she has even bigger future plans, probably due to her ability to see and communicate with the future and its infinite timelines.: Plenty, including an actual gun.: Junpei and June.: Lotus.: Arguably Junpei, as some of his thoughts and responses can be REALLY out there. June also qualifies at some points. On second thought, scratch that, the entire main cast is probably this if they have the time to make puns in a dire situation under a strict time limit. Though most of June's crazy superstitious talks are fairly justified, considering she's kinda a walking supernatural phenomenon.: Except Snake and June. Santa is the primary offender, though.: Ace, mainly around Santa and Junpei.

Santa: Look, Ace! It's some kind of snowman secret meeting!Ace: Those are just bags full of sand. You use them as a counterweight when you're lifting something with a pully system.Santa: Man, you're too serious.: In Room 8, have Junpei examine the mannequin more than several times for him to eventually dub it 'Science Boy'. His attachment to Science Boy can lead to a or two, especially after the fire breaks out; During the fire, try examining Science Boy and the door Clover went through.: Lotus mentions this trope in conjunction with a wireless monitor and mentions how someone who wouldn't know better might just assume the computer is the monitor. This ties into the ongoing theme with morphogenetic fields and the theory of seemingly unconnected things passing information between them.: Santa and June.: Junpei embraces June to calm her after she saw a dead body in the shower room.: Ace. Except in the endings. In the safe and true ending, he's revealed to be the and in the submarine and knife ending he's implied to kill some if not all of the game's players.

has confirmed Ace is indeed the killer in the Sub and Knife endings.: Ace.: Seven.: Santa's little sister, who was killed nine years prior to the events of the game. Also, in the Safe Ending, Clover is this for Snake, who takes her murderer down with him in a final act of revenge and atonement for his failure to protect her.: Santa. You can always count on him to make some biting comment insulting Junpei's intelligence. Also Junpei, in some instances.: Snake goes throughout the game making sarcastic comments. He also happens to be blind, and if you make the mistake of underestimating him, he'll bathe you in snark.: An odd example: you learn at the very end that the protagonist is actually the June of 9 years ago, seeing things through Junpei's eyes. This is why you can start a new game with your memories intact, because even though Junpei dies, the 9 years ago June can start over.

'This game is fiction. All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious.'

.: Clover (child), June (wife), and Lotus (seductress).: Invoked in the text, see above.: Door 2. However, in the current Nonary Game, and the one 9 years ago, the room was still a puzzle. It was only in use when.: The path to certain endings may seem like this at first, although more and more hints pop up as the game progresses. Plot-wise, the whole game can be seen as Young Akane experimenting with all of the story paths to see which one will lead to her salvation. Santa, behind Door 6, will discuss rats trapped in a flooding box and how, after enough repetitions, they figure out the exit from among seemingly arbitrary choices. Hmmm.: Pushmaster 5000.: Junpei decides not to test Snake after he informs him that, despite his blindness, he is quite capable of beating him up.: Junpei.

He seems to be the only one without some horrible back story.: Ace, of all people, has one in Ending 4.: Some of the paths make repeated references to 'morphogenetic fields,' the ability to transmit information between seemingly unconnected things. Morphogenetic fields are an actual phenomena - though it's very localized and revolves around discreet biochemical signals(and the shapes cells will conform to) rather than memories and image-sending. The game actually uses the concept of that name developed by Rupert Sheldrake (who is mentioned by name at one point when the concept is being explained). Not to mention Ice-9 and the entire Alice incident.: Used as a puzzle; you have to play the tune on a piano that's had its keys rearranged.: One can be seen in one of the previews: ' Unfortunately, you're wrong.

Actually I'm Santa'. And not what you would think hearing it even after playing it at first,. 'The answer to that is easy.

He knew because I knew. '.: The game's equivalent of the final boss is a Sudoku puzzle.: People get pissed if you go through door 3.: The experiment, nine years ago.

Although, according to the, the Nonary Game was created by Lord Gordain. Meaning with the sinking of the RMS Titanic.: Santa at first in the Coffin (2) and True Endings (1), then subverted because it was all part of a big plan to.: Ace does this, detailing how he killed Clover to her big brother Snake and all the excitement he felt about it. Needless to say, that activated Snake's.: Meta-example. The colloquial name of the 'Safe' ending implies that you will, in fact, be alive. No such luck.: In this case it's your bowels. No less lethal though.: The game starts with your character waking up in the cabin of a large passenger ship. Of the nine characters involved, however, only one has amnesia and it isn't you.


In fact, Junpei only needs a few minutes to get his bearings before the player sees exactlyYou found it!