
Shining Tears Opening

1 Jan 2000admin

'Shining Tears'も'光のシルエット'もとても良い出来になっていますよ。私はShining Tearsの方が好きですがね(笑) 私は元々保志さんファンなんですが、そうじゃない方にも一度は聞いてもらいたい曲です。これからも、彼にはもっと歌ってほしいですね.

.March 23, 2005 - SEGA's excellent Shining Force series for the Saturn and Genesis was easily one of the best fantasy franchises of the 1990s. Though not as plot-driven or character-oriented compared to the era's other big name role-players, it offered a richness of tactical depth that few other titles could match. In fact, with the exception of maybe Ogre Battle and Fire Emblem it was arguably the best game of the strategy/RPG genre - with enough options, personality, and high-end production value to fill the entire Great Fortress of Balbazak to the top.

But it's Shining Force's beloved position in the history books that makes this latest spin-off in the series all the more difficult to swallow. Because while Shining Tears may not be awful, it's not a legend in the making either.November 8, 2004 - Are you a big import gamer? Do you think Arc the Lad Generations should be rightfully called Aakuzaraddo Jenereeshyon and Shining Tears Shyainingu Tiaazu? Have you actually considered e-mailing us about this pertinent issue? Then you've followed the right link!This weekly section on IGN will keep you up to date on what games were released over the previous week in Japan. If you want to keep informed of the import scene, be sure and check back every week.The following games were released between 11.01.04 and 11.07.04.


Click on the name to see all of IGN's current coverage on the title.October 11, 2004 - Unless you're Guy Pierce and stand to make an assload of money from doing so, losing your memory is rarely a good thing. But in the case of 17 year-old would-be hero Xion, that may be exactly what the world needs right now. After waking up one day in the Kingdom of Shirudia, Xion learns that he's been nursed back to health by a kind and lovely Elven Hunter named Elwyn - but not without the help of several of her most loyal associates.

Though a little more upbeat than your typical everyday amnesiac normally would be, Xion thanks Elwyn and her crew for their kindness by agreeing to start a new life with them; which is made especially easier considering that the bustling town in which he resides seems so strangely familiar.May 19, 2004 - While gamers in America were celebrating E3, Japan was the most boring place in the world to be. Japanese game websites don't cover E3 like IGN does with its array of five million articles, five billion screen shots and five trillion movies. Outside of Japanese fansites, whose content consisted primarily of linking to American sites like IGN, most Japanese sites featured just a few updates from the show.Game releases were even slower. Online Pro Wrestling was the only game to see release the week prior to E3, and it was followed by a week where the biggest game was a PlayStation title.

Thankfully, this all ends this week as Grand Theft Auto: Vice City sees release, followed by the typical end-of-month rush that includes Nintendo's second batch of Famicom Mini titles.In this week's Gaming Life in Japan, we take a look at a couple of the Japan-specific stories you may have missed from E3. Also look down a few pages for Nintendo's super-mega-ultra hot Japanese Samus Aran (this week's young idol) and a bunch of print and television advertisements.