
Summon Night Twin Age Endings

1 Jan 2000admin

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Now that the game is out. What do you think?I love it.

1001 spikes online store. Players take on the role of Selena, a lady werewolf who must rescue her child from monsters after her husband is murdered. She'll journey across 10 story levels and battle more than 30 types of monsters along the way. Besides the main Story mode, Blood of the Werewolf offers its fair share of extra stuff to do. And she switches back and forth between werewolf and human forms depending on the in-game moon, a very cool mechanic.

I played it for hours today. I feel like this will be my new 'The World Ends With You'.

Probably not, but I'm playing it soo much I feel like I'm playing 'The World Ends With You' all over again. Haha.Two cons in my opinion.1.The AI's are pretty stupid. True, they do get smarter and start helping you out a lot more the nicer you are to them, and the more often you invite them into your party, but still. I mean, it doesn't take that much commom sense to know that you're not suppose to walk through spiky floors and poisonous water-marsh things, am I right?2. Some bosses are ridiculously hard, out of nowhere. One minute I am doing fine and find the game extremely easy, the next when I go into a boss battle (some of them, others are easy too) I get killed with like one hit. The first battle like this is when you have to fight your uncle, Murdin.Overall, I think this game is great.

True, it isn't like the past 'Summon Night' handheld games we are used to, but it's great all by itself. Yay, a topic about Summon Night.Points to siggy.I just started playing the game yesterday and guess what I'VE ALREADY CLOCKED IT TODAY D:It's way too short for my own good, dude a great game like this deserves more. I mean sure theres extra levels after but theres no more events and what not TTBut yeah this is deff. My fave of the series, I really did enjoy the Craft Storys on the GBA.and I disagree with the AI. I think they were smart with the fighting but maybe not walking on spikes. If you want bad AI then go play FF:CCROF, they are absolutely STUPID, don't help you fight, get in the way D.

I pretty much agree with you almost a 100%. Seriously, the first day I got it, I played the whole first ten chapters and was going to keep on playing, but then I found out it only had 20.

So I have been taking breaks from playing it because I could play it all day long!And, like you, I enjoyed the GBA version a lot too! Mostly the first one, I didn't even bother finishing the second one. It just didn't pull me in like the first one. But this one I absolutely adore. The sprites are so cute, the battle system is pretty cool (although I also like the past one), I like the random voices they throw in there, and I love how you meet new people like almost in every chapter. And yeah, I love how you get to pick your gender. I'm tired of playing boy characters when I'm not one.

Another thing I love about it, is how at the end of most chapters you get to pick who you want to talk to. I picked Nassau the most, they have such cute cutscenes.Yeah, I also re-named my characters. I chose the girl, and named her Heidi(after me), and the boy Nelson, after a friend of mine. I do the same thing when in battle too, I let them all fight and I just stand back and heal them.

Trust me, I know about the AI in FF:CCROF, I have that game. It is pretty damn stupid.

They are a lot better in this game, but I wish they were a bit smarter. (Especially when Aldo uses SP charge when he has only used like 1 sp.)Noooo, Reiha and Millisar can't be together! It has to be Reiha and Nassau! Lmao, I wanted to stop and take breaks but I just couldn't once I get sucked into a good game I can't get off ):The creators of the game aren't lazy thought because they added all those cool things in it:D The only thing they failed on was the shortness of the storyline TTI wish I could see ALL the cutscenes at night and stuff, so many choices D: Can only pick one @@Really?

Haha I enjoyed the second one more. I couldn't clock it because I can't seem to beat the final boss. My sword keeps breaking.Aw I know the sprites are adorable and the voices are pretty cool too, and the music is good I guess. Exactly I hate playing as a guy and all the Summon games give you that option:D Which is awesome.Oh yes!! I love the cutscenes at night:D I picked Nassau like two times and Aldo like two and I think I did Ticah and then Lila and then Millisar two times xD He was the last one I picked so I got the ending with him, it was cute. I absolutely adore this game but the actually this one and the GBA's are quite different then the original ones, the ones that were in english were like extra's.

The original ones are tactical. They're making Summon Night 1 & 2 into the DS but like I said their tactical and the battle system is WAY different.Anyway, I LOVED this game like I said. I love a little romance in my game and the night events totally added that for me and Millisar is a total cutie! My only thing is that he doesn't come into your group sooner:p I do hope they make another type like this game for the DS but only time will tell.

Til then I'm hoping on Avalon Code (another DS game I made a post about) but man I would kill for a sequal for this game! Ditto, I'm on chapter 19 out of 20.; it's almost ending, noooo! I started with having the night scenes with Aldo (the guy instead of girl you can pick in the beginning), but then I started doing the Nassau ones and he blushed in the one and it made me squee! When I did the one when Millisar is finally in your group I got him to blush to and I just wanted to hug him! I wanted more time with him in my party and more night scenes with him!.;Last edited by on Jun 09, 2008 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total. Hmm, I can't remember that, I usually just heal my partners and you know when your casting a spell your invincible, so if your partner(s) die just keep casting really long spells til they come back. I had the most trouble with the human type boss enemies:/Did you put skills in your partners quick bars so he can cast them to?

He also uses items you put in there.Update! I JUST beat it! And apparently you DO get different endings depending on who you chose to spend your last 'night' with on chapter 19!

I spent it with Millisar and omg I had to fan myself it was so cute and squeearific! I want more of them!.