
Deponia 3 Walkthrough

1 Jan 2000admin

Deponia walkthroughDeponiabyEuroVideo and Daedalic EntertainmentWalkthrough byMaGtRo July 2012Gameplay:This is a third person point and click game.The main menu hascontinue, new game, load/save, settings, bonus, credits and quitgame.To save a game selectthe save page. Click on a blank frame and then click on save button at right.See the picture on the frame.The settings menu hasspeech volume, music volume and sound effects volume adjustments.

There arealso selections for subtitles, full screen mode or window, high resolutionvideos and inventory opening choice (one click or mouse).Bonus has the videosin the game.The main menu is accessed by the ESC key duringgameplay or by the disk at top left of the inventory page.ESC key also skips the cutscenesduring gameplay.The inventory can beaccess by pressing-scrolling the mouse wheel or click it on inventory screenseen as a handle at top right. Use the green switches at right to scrollthrough the next pages of the saved games.Pressing the space barshows the hotspots in the game screen.To save a game, select a frame and then click theaction wanted at right of screen.

Deponia Game Guide & Walkthrough. Game guide 13 August 2012. The below, unofficial guide provides a complete walkthrough of Deponia, a game created by Daedalic Entertainment. This game is a classic, point&click adventurer, which requires clear facts and situations, in which his character will find himself. For Deponia Doomsday on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs has 1 FAQ (game guide/walkthrough).

Then select the check mark. Saves can beoverwritten or deleted.The cursor has 2 gears that show an icon of theaction of those gears. The left gear is activated by left mouse click and theright gear by right mouse click.The manual is located in the installed game folder -documents folder. Have fun reading it.Tutorial:Rufus and Wenzel showthe stinking tutorial for the game by fixing the junk press.Click to continueRufus' dialogue to learn gameplay manipulations.To see an item, rightclick to use the eye icon.

Look at yin on the floorPick up the yinitem on the floor. There's a yang already in inventory.Click on Wenzel tocontinue the tutorial. Learn inventory, combine item in inventory and how toend a dialogue.Fix the junk press:In inventory combine the yin and the yang to get a sparepart.Use the spare part atinconspicuous slot of control panel.Press the button atleft. The intro follows.PART 1 - KUVAQLeave Kuvaq.Pack the suitcase:Rufus' room:Rufus is getting ready to leave Deponia.

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 marks

He has a plan.Open the suitcase onthe bed to find the list. He needs provisions, toothbrush, socks andbolt cutter.Look around.Check ( right and thenleft click) the cushion onthe bed to get green sock.Check the old escapeplan on the wall and trunk at right.Pick up the torchand the oil can under the porthole window.Living area -middle floor: Exit to living area.Check the first aidkit.Open the door toToni's room. Enter and nearly get guillotined. Take the severe sliptacked on the guillotine.Take the chafingchit on bathroom door at left.

Open the bathroom door. Take the plungerfrom the bathroom door.Try to take thetoothbrush from the cup left of the sink. It hops away and hides at the darkcorner by the ramp. Check the washbasin.Open the locker doorleft of washbasin. Take the detergent and the bolt cutter.Check the toothbrushat the dark corner.

Rufus needs a better plan.Living area -bottom level: Go down the ramp to the lower level.Check the closet rightof the sink. It's missing a handle and the cracks are too small. Use theplunger from the bathroom on the closet.

A panel is removed.Check the mouse holeto get - ouch - a mouse trap.Check the sink. Pressthe button and automatically take a pot with water. Take themalicious memo and the fork.Check the refrigeratorand take the bitching post-it. Open the fridge and take the yellowsock.Check Toni's coathanging close to the front door. Get a blue sock.Get provisions:Check the crumbly sofa.There are some wasabipeas in there but Rufus needs a container.Use the can o'used oilon the sink to get empty can.Use empty can oncrumbly sofa to get provisions (can of wasabi peas).Take the naggingnote.Get socks:Look at one of the 3 socks in inventory. Rufus wants a pair of socks.Place the pot withwater on hotplate of oven right of sofa.Open the oven atbottom.

Place the bunch of notes inside the oven.Use the hand torch onthe memos-notes in oven to get fire. The water heats up.Use detergent on thepot on top of the stove. The water bubbles.Place the 3 socks inthe boiling soapy water.Use fork to agitatethe washings. The color of the socks change and one sock is lost.Automatically, get apair o' socks.Get toothbrush:In inventory combine the mouse trap with the provisions to get trap withbait.Use trap with bait onthe toothbrush in the dark corner and get the toothbrush.Pack the suitcase:Go back up to top level - Rufus' room.Use the bolt cutter,provisions, pair o' socks and toothbrush with the suitcase.

Check!The suitcase cannotbe closed. Click the bolt cutter from the list. Packed and readyto go.Prepare the pod:Wenzel and Rufusdiscuss the failed escape attempts of Rufus. Wenzel warns Rufus that theOrganon is always on time and might catch Rufus.Open the door of thepod.Store the suitcase: Try toplace the suitcase inside the pod.Open the storage space below the seat. Take the battery out.Place the suitcase in the storage space.Check the battery.Where should I put it?Take the wrenchleaning on wall right of the ramp.Outside Toni's house:Enter Toni's house. Exit through the door at left at lower level to be in frontof Toni's hut.Look around outside.Talk to Hannek standing by tunnel entrance.Check the chili pepper right of the door and thedoorbell.Check the mailbox.

Usethe wrench on the screwed tight mailbox.Where to place thebattery: Go back inside Toni's house and then out the door atmiddle level to be at back of Toni's house outside.Use wrench on seat ofthe pod to get seat.Use mailbox on baseplate where the seat was.Open mailbox and placethe battery inside. There the capsule is ready.Calibrate the harpoon:Go to the control panel at right.See a close up of thegrid screen with the crosshair. A skip X is at top right of the screen.The lever to move thecrosshair is at left and the reset button is at right.The aim is to get thecrosshair to the flashing bars-markers of the railway at second from left toprow.Click the slot location arrow of the lever to move thecross hair to the intended target at top left:left down, top right, left down, top right, left down, bottom right, top right,left down and top right. I did it!Talk to Toni. Toni givesa letter to Rufus.And away we go:Light the fuse at side of the control panel with the torch.Rufus reads the lettergiven by Toni. OUCH!Meet an Elysian pixie.Cruiser:Landing:A cruiser travels the rail line.

Rufus is hanging on the chains attached to theharpoon that hit the cruiser.Click twice on thechains and then enter the chute.See that the suitcase ishere. Open the suitcase and take the socks and provisions-wasabi.Look around. See thatthis is the refuse disposal area of the cruiser. The trash is loaded on the right chute.Chutes:There are 3 chutes that have hatches at the bottom. The middle chute's hatchdoesn't have a grill cover and shows the turning cog wheels.Check the hatches atbottom of left and right chutes.Check the hatch-cabinet on left side of the middlechute.Open the hatch of themiddle chute: Use provision-wasabi on the cogwheel of themiddle chute to block it.

See a maintenance arm comes out from side hatch and fixes theblocked cogwheel.Use the sock on thehatch cover itself - not on maintenance arm. Repeat until you can place the sockon the hatch cover.Now open the hatch andtake the robot arm.Open the left chute'shatch: Use the robot arm on the hatch of the left chute.A hole on the grill ismade.Ms.

Goal:A real live Elysianpixie, Ms. Goal arrives above.

She is confronted by the Bailiff. They await thePrime Controller to deal with Ms. They have a plan for Ms.

Goal.Rufus to the rescue:Enter the hole on the grill of left chute.Rufus is now at thelevers at left. Use left or middle lever and see what happens.Ms. Goal falls insidethe middle chute. Rufus is eventually caught and thrown off the cruiser.Find Ms.

Goal:Rufus lands at thevillage gate on an overlook with a view of the trash heap of Kuvaq.Look around and checkthe bulletin board, bull and the truck at right. The locked truck has a dirtywindshield.Go to the right to be atVillage Center.Town Hall:Go right to where the people are gathered.Talk to Lotti thereceptionist. Talk to the 3 men (Lobo, Gonzo and Micek) sitting in line. Learnthat Ms.

Goal is here and they are waiting for the mayor to decide who will giveher shelter. Goal is at the assembly hall.Learn about their hats.Take note of the hats they are wearing. The roofer started making hats.Pull the lever of themachine behind Rufus and take the waiting number from the dispenser.Take the magnetsfrom the bulletin board at left.Assembly hall:Enter the room at end of the hallway. See Goal at the stage.Learn that Gizmo holds 3 positions at the emergency station. Right now he is adoctor. Learn that Goal needs strong coffee to wake her up.Exit at right and checkthe doorknob left of the entrance to the stage. It opens the closed door.Check the cardboard boxand take balloons.Alley:Exit town hall and enter the alley at left.Talk again to Hannek.Learn about the detonation plan.They are trash hunters.

Hannek has acollection of car keys.Learn about the parrot. Talk to the parrot and learnthat Hannek's wife talks to it. The parrot repeats what the wife said.Check the detonationplan and blast signal.Lonzo's bar:Enter the bar behind the parrot.Talk to Lonzocompletely. Lonzo thinks about getting a strong brew. Lonzo shows his impressiveespresso machine behind the red curtain.Rufus picks up therecipe for highly concentrated coffee. Lonzo will make the coffee if Rufusbrings the ingredients.Look at the recipe ininventory.

Move the cursor on each of the ingredients to see what is needed:energy rich water, clear water, stimulant, black powder, hot bean andrevitalizing fluid.Talk to Lonzo again toget clues where to get the ingredients.Take the cow posterright of the bar, the red curtain from the floor and the dart fromthe target left of door.Make espresso.Search for tools andingredients at emergency station:Get stimulant.Remember what Lonzo said: Dr. Gizmo might have somehighly stimulating item in his office.Emergency station: Exit the bar and hear a sound that signals that the Emergency Station is now open.Go to the Emergency Station at right. Lookaround.See a lever by theentrance. The lever has 3 settings: top green, middle blue and bottom red. Rightnow it is on top green.There is circularcabinet behind the chair that has 3 lights also.

Right now it is on green doctor'scabinet.There is a porthole attop of the cabinet that shows the contents of the next box in the cabinet.Medical setting:The top green shows the medical set up inside the cell at right.Go to the cell and takethe dentist's drill and the dissecting scalpel from the traybeside the bed.Check the happy laughinggas. Use a balloon on the laughing gas tank to get balloon to automatically geta balloon full of nitrous oxide.Check the doctor'scabinet behind the chair. It's locked.Police setting:Pull the lever to middle position or at blue setting.See a handcuff on theblue cup above the desk.Check the porthole ontop of the cabinet and see the fire extinguisher inside.Check the barred celland see a lock pick that Rufus inserted there for emergency at side of the bed.Check the police boxleft of the cell. The box has foot fetters and it falls on the floor.Firefighter setting:Pull the lever to bottom position or the red setting.Take the asbestosgloves from the wall of the cell.See a fire escape atcenter of the floor.

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The floor-hatch is pulled out of the cell and see a small hole onthe part that is outside the cell.Go down the fire escapeand see that it comes out on the overlook by the village gate. Go back tovillage, alley and the emergency station.Check the fire fighter'scabinet at left of cell. Pull out the fire extinguisher.

It is laid on the floorwith the foot fetters from the police setting.Lock the fire escapehatch in place: Pick up the foot fetters and use it on thesmall hole of the floor-hatch. Rufus says the fetter is too wide.Place the foot fettersinside the empty firefighter's cabinet.Pull up the lever tomiddle blue police setting. The baskets on top come out and the foot fetterfalls off the hole on top knocking the handcuffs off the blue cup.Take the handcuffsfrom floor.Pull down the lever tobottom red firefighter setting.Use the handcuffs on thehole of the retracted hatch-floor close to the tree.Rufus will lock thefloor on the pole. The fire escape floor is now fixed.Get the lock pick:Pull the lever to police blue middle setting. See that there is now the hole onthe floor.Go outside, then tofront of village gate and climb up the pole on the left to be inside the jailcell of the emergency station.Take the lock pickfrom the side of the bed.Go back inside theemergency station via the hole on the floor and village center.Get stimulant:Pull up the lever to medical green top setting.Use the lock pick on themedical cabinet.Take the syringeand stimulant. The stimulant is checked off the recipe in inventory.Get hot bean and black powder:Check Toni's storeand house:Toni's store:Go outside to Village Center.

Go to Toni's store at bottom right.Look around. Learn about the post office gift vouchers on the counter.Try to take thevoucher's left of the counter. This pushed Toni to the limit and she has tomeditate. Try to take a voucher again.Go to the right and takea hook from the jar at right counter.

Rufus gets hooks on his hands andis hurt. Toni gives the key to the first aid kit at home.Check the grinder leftof the door and the pole right of the door.Exit the store and godown to village center.Toni's house:Go left to Toni's hut.Get hot beans:Try to take the chili peppers on the pot right of door. Rufus' hand gets burned.Use the asbestos gloveson the chili peppers. The hot beans box is checked off the recipe ininventory.Enter the house. Go tomiddle level and use the key to the first aid on the cabinet left of Toni'sbedroom.Take the tranquilizer.Get black powder:Exit outside to the back of Toni's house through door right of Toni's bedroom.Take the funnel, torch and dud from floor.In inventory, use thescalpel with the dud to get black powder. The black powder is checked offthe recipe in inventory.Exit the house and goback to Village Center.Get the 3 kinds of water.Water reservoir:Go left to the water reservoir at left of alley.Check the chimney ofWenzel's house.

The chimney has a protective cover.Push the pipe and itgoes around the Water tank.Pull the chain-tap ofthe reservoir and see that water comes out.Check Wenzel's house:Wenzel:Go back down to lower level.Enter Wenzel's house left of Toni's house. Learn that Wenzel took Rufus' things.Talk to Wenzel and learnabout the divining rod that Rufus' father left him.Learn clues about whereto get the ingredients: clear water, revitalizing fluid (blood of a bull) andenergy rich water (car battery).Try to take the diviningrod on the table. Wenzel would not give it back.Get the divining rodback from Wenzel:Bathroom:Go to bathroom at top left. Look around.Take the spongeunder the window.Remember the pipe of thewater reservoir and the chimney of Wenzel's house.In inventory combine thehook with string with the balloon full of laughing gas to get balloon withhook.Check the furnace.

Usethe balloon with hook inside the furnace. See the hook hold the chimneycover up.

Leave the furnace door open.Basement:Go back to living room and then to the basement.Check the pipe and learnthat the pipe is under the shower.Use the dentist's drillon the lower pipe and Rufus makes several holes.Exit the basement andthe house.Water reservoir:Go to the water reservoir above Wenzel's house.Push the pipe. Theraised lid holds the pipe in place above Wenzel's chimney.Pull the tap of thereservoir. Water flows through the chimney, sink and then basement.Go back to Wenzel'shouse.In the basement, Rufusrealizes that Wenzel did strike a well as shown by the clear water on the floor.Wenzel left to go totown hall.

Take the divining rod at left.Click on the well'sclear water. Rufus refuse to have anything to do with the clear water from thewell.Exit the house.Get to see the mayor:Alley:Get the 3 men waiting in line to go away: Remember that Lobo,Gonzo and Micek are ahead of Rufus in line to talk to the mayor.Go to the alley. Talk toHannek again about the detonation plan.Use the magnets takenfrom the town hall bulletin board on the detonation plan by the entrance.See the picture of thetown in a grid.

Place the 3 magnets on the house of the 3 men in line to talk tothe mayor.Take note of the roofs ofthe houses. Remember that the roofer now makes hats. Select the 3 houses withroofs similar to the hats worn by the 3 men - Lobo, Gonzo and Micek.Place the magnet on the2 at middle top and one at middle bottom of the picture. Sabotage the cats: Rememberthat the speed of the conveyor belt depends on the orange cat and the number of stampsdepends on the white cat.Give the white cat espresso twice to speed it up and give the orange cattranquilizer to slow it down. (Thanks to gamers!)Sabotage the robot postman:Give the postman the vouchers. Watch what happens tothe sabotaged cats and pigeon. Bubble wrap initiated.The little pigeon from large hole flies out with largepackage and crashes.

The dropped package releases the bubble wrap on the floor.Go to the bubble wrap and walk all over it severaltimes to pop the bubble wrap. Watch the postman. Error!Rufus exits the post office. See the robotpostman having his fun.The vault:Open the replacement cat's hatch at bottom left ofcounter and take the two replacement cats.Open the vault door: Go behind thecounter and check the note on the vault door.Check the clock face-dial on the door. See that it has1-9 numbered keypad. Click on bottom bar to pull back.Check the note in inventory and see that it has holeson the note.Overlay the holed note on the numbered mailboxes onthe left wall.See the holes have numbers showing through now:360 (1) - 116 (3) - 245 (2) - 489 (3).The number on the note is the position of a certainnumber seen through the hole.So #1 of 360 is 3; #3 of 116 is 6; #2 of 245 is 4 and#3 of 489 is 9.Press 3, 6, 4 and 9 on the keypad of the vault door.Rufus in the da house.Check vault: Take the noddingbird. Check the vault.

It needs headphone and microphone.Get microphone and headphone:Microphone: Go to theassembly hall and then stage. Take the microphone from the podium.Headphone: The phone operatorhas the headphone and will not lend it.Get a parrot: Go to the alleyand see the parrot.

Talk to the parrot. (This can be asked-done in an earlier dialogue with Hannek in the game).Talk to Hannek about the parrot and must have learnedthe words from his wife.Go to the emergency station. Use a balloon on thelaughing gas tank to get balloon full of nitrous oxide.Use balloon full of nitrous oxide on the parrot atalley. Hannek gives the stunned parrot.Get a talking parrot: Exit thealley.Give the stunned parrot some espresso to get parrot.Enter Toni's shop and place the parrot on the pole bythe door.Toni starts talking to the parrot about Rufus'indiscretions/crimes.Enter the shop again. Take the talking parrot.Sabotage the phone operator:Remember that the phone operator handles all local radio calls. There are 3 localradios in the village.Go to the emergency telephone at Village Center. Usethe parrot on the emergency phone at center of the Village Center walkways.

The parrot starts to repeat all of Rufus'crime to Gizmo the policeman. Now the line is busy.Go to the mayor's office. Check the teletypewriter.Use the replacement cat on the teletypewriter.

The cat presses the button of the teletypewriter continuously.Now, place the nodding bird on the communicator on thedesk. This then presses the button continuously.That covers all 3 local radios. It should keep thephone operator busy.Go to the phone operator via the post office. See thathis nerves are frazzled. Take the headphones from the table.Contact Cletus:Go back down.

Go to the vault. Place the microphoneand headphone on the radio.Use the radio. Rufus contacts Cletus. Talk to Cletuscompletely.After the convincing Cletus to take him to Elysium,they are going to meet after sunset tomorrow at Lower Ascension Station. Cletus will be ontop of the platform.Get Goal:Emergency station: Go to emergencystation. Check the bed sheet in medical mode cell.Gizmo locks Rufus in jail because of the report doneby the parrot. The cell is now in blue policemode.Bailiff Argus of the Organon Prime Administration and his paratroopersarrive.

They want to know where the Elysian woman is now. Gizmo tells him thatGoal is in Wenzel's house.Escape jail: Use theremaining cat on the tree at the corner.Gizmo goes into his red firefighter mode and tries torescue the cat.Rufus escapes through the hole on the floor of thefirefighter mode cell.Wenzel's house: Go to Wenzel'shouse under the water reservoir.See Wenzel in his bathrobe. Rufus opens the shower andsees Toni.After some discussion, Rufus heads to the basementwhere Goal is.Save Goal: Enter thebasement. Open the cupboard and Goal falls out of the closet. Rufus lays her ona wheelbarrow.Bailiff Argus and his paratroopers enter the house and demandswhere the member of the resistance is hidden.Use the divining rod on the basement door.

Argusforces the door and the divining rod flies out the window.The divining rod embeds in the magnetic force machine.This causes the magnetic force to be altered tilting the world. The demolitionmap tilts; ringing the alarm bell and moving all the magnets to the left lowercorner which happens to be Wenzel's house.

Kaboom!Rufus is seen pushing the wheelbarrow with Goal on it.PART 2 - GARBAGE MINELook around the garbage mine loading area:Rufus arrives with an unconscious Goal. Look around.Cross the bridge and the bridge collapses; leaving Goalat other side of the trash heap.Check the crane: Go to thecrane at right.Use the crane lever and see that it doesn't work.Open the maintenance box at left. Take the defectivefuse and Rufus throws it out.Check the funnel and the crane arm.

Table of Contents.Game Introduction – DeponiaWelcome to the walkthrough on Gamezebo. Deponia is a point and click adventure game created by Daedelic Entertainment. In it you guide a lovable egomaniac named Rufus through a garbage-filled adventure.

The very fate of world depends on how well you can cope with the nonsensical puzzles that fill it! Gamezebo’s walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information and hints on how to finish the game.Chapter 1: Pack your bags. Click the green suitcase on the bed.

According to the list inside, you need bolt cutters, a toothbrush, socks, and provisions. Click the pillow on the bed.

Beneath is a green sock. Take it. Pick up the torch and oilcan on the bench to the right and then go downstairs.

Grab the note on the bathroom door. Click the toothbrush next to the sink. It will run away!. Open the locker on the left of the screen and take the detergent and bolt cutters. Open the bathroom door and take the plunger.

Open the door in the middle of the screen. Take the note off of the object that appears, then head down the ramp.

Take the fork out of the downstairs sink. Take the pot from the sink too.

On the sink is note. Read it. Next to it on the fridge is another mean note. Read that too.

Inside that fridge is your other sock. Where else would it be?.

Use the plunger on the stuck closet towards the right of the screen. Stick your hand in the mouse hole and voila — a mousetrap. On the sofa chair is another mean note. Then check out the coat on the left of the screen.

Take the pot in your inventory and place it in the sink. Fill it up with water and place it on top of the stove in the corner of the room. Add detergent to the water. Open the grate on the oven below, then shove all those mean notes in there and set them on fire with the blowtorch. Now that the pot is boiling, put the three socks in your inventory in the hot soapy water. They need a wash. Stir the socks with the fork you found earlier.

For whatever reason that makes the socks change color. Now you have a fresh pair. Head back to the sink and empty the used oilcan into it. Use the can on the chair to collect the wasabi peas stuck in the cushions. You now have your provisions!.

Combine the provisions with the mousetrap, then use it on the toothbrush in the corner. Now you have your toothbrush!. Head back upstairs to your suitcase and fill it up with your newfound crap.

Go into your inventory and add the toothbrush, provisions, bolt cutters, and socks. But then you won’t be able to close the suitcase. Dispose of the bolt cutters.Chapter 2: Light the fuse. First things first — you have to get packing. Open the pod door on the left, then open the storage space revealed inside. Remove the battery and replace it with the suitcase.

Grab the wrench next to the ramp in the middle of the screen. Then head back into Toni’s house. Go downstairs and leave through the exit at the bottom left. Use the wrench to unscrew the mailbox and borrow it.

Head back to the pod. Get rid of the seat in the pod using the wrench. Replace it with the mailbox. Place the battery inside. The capsule is ready. Head to the harpoon and calibrate. Move the stick in the following order.

If you mess up, you can reset with the button in the upper right hand corner. You can skip it too if you want:up/rightleft/downdown/rightup/rightleft/downleft/downup/rightleft/downup/right. Light the fuse on the right side of the harpoon with your torch.Chapter 3: Garbage away. As you are dangerously dangling by a chain, you should probably do something about that.

Click the chains twice and then the chute. You’ll be on your feet in no time.

Open your suitcase and remove from it the provisions and socks. Stick the provisions in the cogwheels in the middle of the screen to jam up the works. When the arm comes out to un-jam the works, put a sock over the hatch. Now you can open the hatch and remove the robot arm. Use the robot arm to cut the hatch on the left.

Climb into the hatch. Pull the green lever and “rescue” the damsel in distress.Chapter 4: Pick-me-up.

Head to the village center. Move to the town hall. Talk to the hairy chinned woman named Lotti in the window. Take a number from the nearby number dispenser on the left side of the screen. Pull the lever to dispense it.

Grab the magnets on the bulletin board on the left. Enter the assembly hall. Click the doorknob on the door on the right of the screen. Take the balloons out of the cardboard box inside. Return to the town hall. Head back outside. Enter the alley in the middle of the screen.

Go into Lonzo’s bar. Take the sign next to Lonzo. Take the dart from the dartboard. Talk to Lonzo.

Ask him about Goal, the stranger. Then ask Lonzo about an ultimate pick-me-up.