
Dragon Ball Origins Pc

1 Jan 2000admin

Dragon Ball: Origins - Walkthrough/guideDragon Ball: Origins FAQBy Jason Nimer1. Introduction (INTRO)Hello out there to all the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Nintendo DS fans(no, not you Dragon Ball GT people. You just keep right on walking.

Metacritic Game Reviews, Dragon Ball: Origins for DS, The single player game follows Goku and his clever sidekick Bulma as they travel the.

No onelikes you.). This is my FAQ/Walkthrough for Dragon Ball: Origins on theNintendo DS handheld game system. Because of my insane attention to detail andmy even more insane love of all things Dragon Ball, I'd wager that this ismost certainly be the best, most complete guide available on this fantasticgame. And guess what? You'll only find it here at IGN.com. What other videogame site shows you this kind of love?.NOTE: A look at the Table of Contents below may leave you with thisquestion, 'What are all the capital words in parentheses?'

I include those soyou, the reader, can skip right to whatever part of the guide you might need.On a PC, hold CTRL-F (Apple-F on Mac) and type in whatever code is attached tothe section you need to jump right to it.For your convenience, I made the level code(s) for the Main Walkthrough(WALKTHROUGH), the Sub-Level Walkthrough (SUBLEVEL) and Game Vs. SourceMaterial Comparison (COMPARISON) identical. That way, if you want to searchfor info on, say, Level 1, you can hold CTRL-F, type in the code (LEVEL1) andit will bring up the Main Walkthrough first. If you hit the 'Next Result'button (or whatever it is called on your computer), you'll skip to Level 1'sSub-Level info.

Another push of the 'Next Result' button will bring you to theGame Vs. Source Material Comparison, where you can see how much of what youjust accomplished is right (and wrong) when it comes to the original DragonBall story. This little organization system ensures that this guide is themost complete and easiest to use around, so enjoy!2. Table Of Contents (TOC)1. Introduction (INTRO)2. Table Of Contents (TOC)3. About The Author (ABOUT)4.

Legal Junk (LEGAL)5. Version History (VERSION)6. Before You Start (START)7. Controls (CONTROL)8. Learned Moves And Advanced Techniques (LEARN)9. Main Walkthrough (WALKTHROUGH)A. Level 1 (LEVEL1)B.

Level 2 (LEVEL2)C. Level 3 (LEVEL3)D. Level 4 (LEVEL4)E. Intermission 1 (INTERMISSION1)F.

Level 5 (LEVEL5)G. Level 6 (LEVEL6)H. Level 7 (LEVEL7)I. Level 8 (LEVEL8)10.

Lego worlds walkthrough. Sub-Level Walkthroughs (SUBLEVEL)A. Level 1 (LEVEL1)B. Level 2 (LEVEL2)C. Level 3 (LEVEL3)D. Level 4 (LEVEL4)E. Level 5 (LEVEL5)F. Level 6 (LEVEL6)G.

Level 7 (LEVEL7)H. Level 8 (LEVEL8)12. Boss Guide (BOSS)13. Level Grades And How To Raise Them (GRADES)14.

Items (ITEMS)15. Weapons (WEAPONS)16. Figures (FIGURES)A. Complete Figure List (LIST)17. Unlockables (UNLOCKABLE)18. Character Guide (CHARACTER)19. Source Material Comparison (COMPARISON)A.

Level 1 (LEVEL1)B. Level 2 (LEVEL2)C. Level 3 (LEVEL3)D. Level 4 (LEVEL4)E.

Level 5 (LEVEL5)F. Level 6 (LEVEL6)G.

Level 7 (LEVEL7)G. Level 8 (LEVEL8)20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)21. Thanks And Anti-Thanks (THANKS)3. About The Author (ABOUT)Before I started this, I thought I'd just include a little bit about myself.My name is Jason Nimer, I'm 27-years-old and I live north of Atlanta, GA., inthe U.S.A. This is the ninth guide I've written since I started in this biz.You can find my other IGN exclusive guides (Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, MassEffect, Too Human and Fable II) at IGN.com (duh), while my guides for TimeAce, Transformers: Autobots and the absolutely amazing import Croket DS areavailable at both GameFAQs.com AND IGN.com.

I also write game reviews forgamerstemple.com at a rate of about one or two per week. Go check some of themout if you feel like it.So, being that I just finished a MASSIVE Fable II FAQ for IGN.com (with helpfrom Jason Venter and Daniel Acaba, fantastic guide writers both), why would Itake on another project so quickly after finishing the last? Well, in a word,I'm the biggest Dragon Ball fan in the world and I really wanted my nameattached to a guide for a Dragon Ball game. Being that Infinite World andBurst Limit were just. I jumped at the chance to write this one up.I can hear you asking, 'So, what makes this guy a bigger fan than me?'

. no frames index page. 1965 grand prix for sale. Grand Prix Legends is a computer racing simulator developed by Papyrus Design Group and published in 1998 by Sierra On-Line under the Sierra Sports banner. It simulates the 1967 Grand Prix season. The 1967 Formula One season was the 21st season of FIA Formula One motor racing. It featured the 1967 World Championship of Drivers and the 1967 International Cup for F1 Manufacturers, contested concurrently over an eleven race series which commenced on 2 January 1967, and ended on 22 October. The season also included a number of non-championship races for Formula One cars.

Well,rather than tell you why, I'll show you. You see, my whole lower back, myright wrist and my entire left arm, chest to wrist, are covered in Dragon BallZ tattoos. Here are a few Photobucket links to picture of these amazingtattoos:Right wrist – Goku and Gohan in street clothesLink (black only):(color, but unfinished): Color added, but I don't have a digital camera.I'll add the pics to this guide eventually.Link (finished, healed): coming soonLower back – Vegeta, Goku and Piccolo.Link: arm – A completely finished sleeve containing Shenlong, SSJ2 Teen Gohan,SSJ2 Goku, Vegeta, the Four-Star Dragon Ball, Kid Trunks, Goten, Kid Buu,Piccolo and Dende.Link: that's a little about me. I guess you understand why I am going out of myway to write a guide for a Dragon Ball game now, huh?

Anyway, enjoy using theguide and have fun with the game. It's a good one (for a change).4. Legal Junk (LEGAL)Well, IGN paid for the game, so they get absolute 100 percent exclusive rightsto this guide. It is not to be altered, republished or at all messed with, infull or in part, by ANYONE other than IGN.com or myself. You can always sendan e-mail to IGN or myself and ask for permission to use this guide, but youprobably won't get it.


If you are considering stealing or altering this guidein any way, keep this in mind: NewsCorp owns IGN.com. You know, Rupert Murdockand the people behind Fox Entertainment? I certainly wouldn't risk messingaround with a company that has a legal team that size, and if you're smart,you won't either.5. Version History (VERSION)11/10/08 – Game arrives by mail, guide started immediately11/30/08 – Finished guide.12/02/08 – Final edits put in, sent to IGN.com for publishing6. Before You Start (START)This section will just serve as a primer to those of you who don't know muchabout Dragon Ball or this game. Akira Toriyama, a Japanese cartoonist,originally created Dragon Ball in the early 1980s.

Prior to that, he worked ona manga (comic) called Dr. Slump, which was about a scientist and his androiddaughter. Anyway, Dragon Ball was published in serial form through a Japanesecomic/magazine called Shonen Jump. The comic ran for roughly 10 years and hadaround 200+ installments, which would later be broken up into Dragon Ball andits sequel, Dragon Ball Z.Both the original Dragon Ball and its sequel follow the life of Goku, anincredibly strong little boy who grows into the Earth's greatest champion, anda set of seven Dragon Balls, that, when assembled, can grant their master anywish they desire.

The original Dragon Ball follows Goku from his early lifethrough his wedding day and is more centered on comedic situations and fantasyadventure. Dragon Ball Z picks up five years after the end of Dragon Ball,with the arrival of Goku's brother, Radditz, who turns out to be an evil alienand a member of the almost-extinct Saiyan race. While Dragon Ball had a light-hearted feel, Dragon Ball Z was much more serious, with a darker tone and moreaction-centric storylines.As we all know, during these comics' original run in Japan, an animated half-hour television show was produced 'almost' alongside of the comics. Of course,the show ran a few months behind and was packed with 'filler material,' but itis the way that most international Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z fans wereintroduced to the franchise.Of course there is more to it than just that, but going into Dragon Ball:Origins, that is pretty much all you need to know about the source material.As for the game itself, Dragon Ball: Origins plays a little like The Legend ofZelda: Phantom Hourglass in that you control most (or all, depending on yourpreference) of the action with the DS' touch screen. Attacks, movement,puzzles, pretty much everything.In addition to fighting enemies and looking for treasure, you'll also beresponsible for Bulma, a 16-year-old girl who is also on the hunt for theDragon Balls. Opening paths for her to follow you adds some minor puzzleelements to the proceedings, but nothing that is too difficult. If you playedICO on PS2, you'll have no problems with this mechanic.Since I don't really know where to put this info, I just stuck it here.

DragonBall: Origins has a TON of cutscenes to tell the story. Whether you've seen orread the original material or you are new to the scene, you won't have anyproblem following along. If you are curious, I've included a section in thisguide that explains the events, how they stack up to the original and anydifferences between the game and the source material.Man. To make it easier, I've given the same CTRL-F codes to thelevels in the main walkthrough AND the sublevels AND the source material, sojust pick which you need, type it in and hit next until you see what you want.So there is your primer on Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and this game. Hope itcleared some things up.7. Controls (CONTROL)Next step: Controls. You are going to have a tough time playing if you can'tfigure out what controls what, so here is a brief overview of how Origins isplayed.NOTE: This info only applies to the game's default control scheme.

If youchose another, you're on your own. Hope you saved the instructions!