
Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill Cheats

1 Jan 2000admin

GameBoomersWalkthrough by Tally Ho

AuntEloise's House

Atthe beginning, we are given the choice of difficulty level(Junior, Senior or Master.) We are playing as Senior Detective.After a brief cutscene, including a letter to Dad and adescription of a murder that happened yesterday at a localschool, we begin the investigation at Aunt Eloise's house.Straight ahead on the hall table is a note from her. We find outwe need to open the safe to get the key to the school library.Look in the right-hand drawer and get the phone card.

Gointo the living room. At the left end of the sofa, you can see acouple of photos. Little Nancy, maybe? On the coffee table is aninlaid box with sewing supplies. Nothing to do here. There aresome books on the table at the left end of the two-cushion sofa.Inside you see some flowers labeled Miniature Iris Tulip CrocusHyacinth. The highlighted initials spell a name: Mitch. Noticethe title of one of the books is 'Hidden Clues areEverywhere.' It's true! The drawer in the end-table at theright of the three-cushion sofa yields three items: a brief noteabout the book sale and bulletin boards; the TV remote which youcan take, and an invitation to the Sigma Phi Kappa Delta sororityreunion. Notice the Greek lower-case letters at the top. Turnright and examine the books on the right. The hollow bookcontains a key you can take. The center section has a TV and VCR(it says 12:00, don'tcha love it?) Nothing is playing now, if youtry turning it on with the remote, however. Look right and seethe chest on the floor. Your key will open it, and you find aquarter you can take. Big deal, a quarter, right? Well, I wish Ihad that particular quarter. No matter how many times you spendit, it just keeps on working. Not bad, eh? Just remember theWrigley Building in Chicago was built on the profits from nickelpacks of gum.

Official Strategy Guides, Walkthroughs. View Cart Store Login Store Logout #33 Nancy Drew. Nancy Drew ®: Secrets Can Kill REMASTERED. #12 Nancy Drew ®: Secret of the Old Clock. Add to Cart #11 Nancy Drew. Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered is a remake of the first game in a long-running series of detective games, Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill. In this game, Nancy is staying with her Aunt Louise in Florida, when a student at the local high school is murdered, and Nancy is asked to investigate, going undercover as a new student.

Okay,back to work, Detective Drew. Into the hallway, and click on thetapestry. In the close-up view, click on it again, and the safeis revealed. Oh no! It's in Greek! Say, didn't we just see someGreek letters? They looked like this:

It'sa little unusual to see lower-case Greek letters, I would expectthem to look like this: SFKD, but it's all in the nature ofpuzzles, I guess. They do have to be pressed in sequence. Thedoor opens, and you find the library key hanging there, aspromised. Look at the wooden box. Eeek! it's a slider puzzle.Stop whining now, and go do some studying at this site: Slider Puzzle Help. Do it. it's worth alittle study, because you will find all sliders easier to solveif you know how.

Here's the way the slider puzzle looks when solved. And here's a little secret: if you just hate sliders and don't want to learn how to do them, you can avoid this one by peeking at the note right here.

Isn't thatfun? O Wise Elder is an anagram of Eloise Drew. It's almost timeto check out the school. Exit the house via the door directlybehind you, not the pocket-door that probably goes to the diningroom.

Atthe Diner

Clickon the diner, and talk with Daryl Gray. To save somedisk-changing, let's poke around the diner a while. Daryl doesn'tmind.

If you turnway around to the right, past the pinballs and jukebox, there isa menu on the table. Open it and see the lettersD A N G E R highlighted. Thereare also purple letters highlighted, but they are scrambled. A T O S B A G Espells sabotage. Puta quarter in the jukebox and see the fun titles: ManateeUnchained, or Wake up Little Nancy, for example. You can click onabout half of the titles and play them. (werdycan is nancydrewspelled backwards.) You can also stick a quarter in the pinballmachine and get some sound effects, but not real play. On thewall behind the counter is the menu board. Look at it and see thered letters that spell out SOUP LADLE on one side and BOLT CUTTER on the other. Go intothe kitchen. Slightly to the right is a cutting board withtomatoes. Look closely between the tomatoes and the knife handle.Someone carved a message there: 'Watch Out.' Look downbetween the table and the gas range, and see some bolt cutters.Take them. Uh-oh! The gas is leaking and you can't put thecutters back. You need something to prop up the gas line beforewe all explode. Don't panic - it won't explode unless you try togo out the door. Look in the black dishpan under the 'Cleanup Spills' sign and take the large soup ladle. It fitsnicely under the gas pipe and the danger is averted.

You can readthe instruction sheet taped to the refrigerator. Is it a clue?I'm not sure. Read the work schedule by going close-up twice tosee the following encrypted message on the bottom:

It'sa simple code, substituting numbers for letters. It says:'Jake's fate happened deliberately, gravity was not hisworst enemy.'

Exit thediner and click on the school, and change to disk 2. Keep thedisks handy, there is a LOT of swapping in this game. Detectivesmust be patient.

Inthe School

Enterthe school. Straight ahead is a display case with a picture ofthe football team you can examine. Over your left shoulder isanother display case containing trophies, and a directory ofvarious schoolrooms. Directly left and right are two hallways.Let's take the left one. Before you walk down the hall, look atthe bulletin board on the right side. (It is a very smallhotspot, and easy to miss. There is a map of the school on theboard.

1:Jake's Locker; 2, 3, 4, Hulk, Hal and Connie; 5: Boiler Roomentrance.

Atthe next node, the cafeteria is straight ahead (you can't getthere,) the Library and the Gym are down the hall to the right,and Jake's locker is ahead on the left. You can just see theyellow police tape on it. We'll look through it later, when welearn the combination to the lock. Examine the bulletin board onthe right side to see this note close-up:

Find the morning edition
And discover another crime,
The answer is in black and white
To who will do the time.

Goright, towards the library. If you stop at the next node and lookover your left shoulder, there is a bulletin board with a pinknote that says: 'In the face of danger, Against a killer ifyou dare; A very unlikely couple Could be a helpful pair.'Turn back around and go towards the gym. Again, over your leftshoulder, is another bulletin board. Find the three notes on thelower right, that are rotated and mirrored. They say:'Nowhere to turn to, Nowhere to hide; Let the books in thelibrary Be your answer guide.' 'A symbol of Kanji Wornwith great pride, Reflects a big secret That someone musthide.' 'He did what it took To make the grade, Even ifit meant cheating To keep up his charade.'

Lookat the eye chart. It says :

'Ifyou can read this
Then make no mistake
A genuine first class
Detective you'll make.'
How to make snow bubbles.

Talkto Hulk Sanchez. Ooooh, a boy with an attitude. As before, youcan choose among dialog lines, but can't use them all. After youask him about Jake, the conversation ends. Turn right, and seethe posters to the left of the vending machines. One advertises aJudo school, with a phone number 555-JUDO (5836) - might meansomething. Exit into the hallway, and find the left turn to thelibrary. When you get to the spot where the student art exhibitlines the walls, there is a bulletin board with the followingnote:

There's more than one way
To remove a chain so thick,
Aside from the combination,
Mel's bolt cutter can do the trick.

Theentrance to the library is to the left of this board. Let'sexplore the library a little later. Continue down that samehallway, into the Study Dome. Turn left to see Hal Tanakastudying. Talk to him about understanding people's faces, being adoctor, and Jake. When you are finished, look farther to the leftand examine the bulletin board. You see this note:

Jake's locker combo
Was part of his name.
Just find a phone
To decode his name.

Turna little to the left and you are looking into the hallway we camethrough. Turn farther left to find a second hallway, the one witha 'Senior Prom' banner. Before entering, examine thebulletin board. There is a message with distorted letters thatreads: 'A Crane contestant in a masked disguise won theprize money despite all the lies.' and 'The ultimatehang-out in the center of everything is the place you need to goto set up the final sting.' That board is to the left of theentrance to the Student Union. Step forward and turn around tosee the bulletin board to the other side of the entrance. Thereis a notice about the yearbooks. If you pick out the underscoredletters, they say: 'Search below danger sign inkitchen.' (We've done that already, and found the boltcutters.) Go into the Student Union.

Talkwith Connie about Hulk, Hal and Daryl to get a few tidbits ofinformation. Look at the big bulletin board and examine the redand white poster. The content of the poster doesn't mean anythingto us, but there is a message buried in the border. It says'Side of School.' What the heck does that mean? TheTeachers Lounge is off the Student Union, but the door is lockedand we don't have another key. Just to the left of that door is aboard with photos of recent Students of the Month. Wonder if Jakeis one of them? Probably not, the way his reputation is shapingup. Maybe they're part of the Nancy Drew Software developmentteam, who knows? To Connie's right is a magazine rack you canlook at, and some posters above. The one that seems to matter isabout the Men's Judo Tournament sponsored by the Crane School ofSelf Defense. Let's use the phone before we exit the Union.Close-up once lets us use the phone book. Uh-oh, someone tore outthe number for the Pharmacy. Close-up again, then swipe yourphone card. Three friends' numbers appear. You have to dial theentire number, even though they are local calls. They don't offermuch help, just to go somewhere where there is lots ofinformation. That would probably be the library. Exit the Lounge.Let's look in all directions here. To the left is the Boiler Roomdoor. The code-pad requires knowledge of Braille. Guess we'llfind that somewhere.

Lookingdown the hallway, there is a scrap of paper on the floor. Hey,that's the number to the Pharmacy: 555-DRUG. Up and to the rightis another bulletin board. The page you can read contains thisodd message: 'Student files under lock and key will show thelies of a doctor-to-be.' Hmmm. The only student we have metthat might become a doctor is Hal Tanaka. What gives? Lies?That's hard to believe. Let's see what's down this hall. Oh!we're back at the entrance. So it is possible to go full-circle,since the hallways from both sides meet at the Study Dome.

Inthe Library

Gostraight, the way we first went, then right, and right again tothe student art exhibit. Turn around to find the libraryentrance. Use Aunt Eloise's key to get into the library. Straightahead is the desk, where you find a stack of blue forms. Thereare words highlighted on them that tell you: 'Sabotageshould cause concern, but with the gloves you will notburn.' Back away from the close-up and look right. Moveforward to this view:

There are three hotspots in this view: The encyclopedias right in front of you, the map cases against the wall on the right, and the card-catalog above the bookcase. Let's start with the map case.
There are two drawers you can open. The top one has a map with a puzzle hidden under it. It is a 'Hidden Word' puzzle. They appear horizontally, vertically, backwards and forwards, and diagonally. The only diagonal clue seems to be 'Paseo Del Mar' which runs from lower left to upper right.


If you thinkthey go in some kind of order, that's up to you. The lower onehas a map with a puzzle hidden under it that gives a message.Read the blue letters first, then the green. It says 'Thebolt cutter you must take, Or you could be the next Jake.'We've done that, so should be okay.

Check thecard catalogue. Hmmm. Someone was looking for English Essays.Check the bookcase. The upper left (white and green) books do notcontain one you can read. The upper center one has a book onfingerprints. The lower center one (red) has a book on Braille.Check the colored letters. The following letters are color-coded:A C D G H I M N O P R S T U. If you sort them out by color andrearrange them, you can spell 'Mitch drops a gun.'IMPORTANT >--> The upper left (red and white) shelf has abook on Kanji characters. The lower left (green) books have oneon Morse code. Again, there are colored letters: A C D E F I N PR T V. If you sort them you can spell 'Find VCR Tape.'

Turn leftand step towards the stairs. You find yourself on the firstlanding, looking at this plaque:

Robile Moor Rodo?
That's a funny name. What happens if we twist the letters around, anagram style to make it say 'Boiler Room Door?' Then maybe the date 6-6-83 will mean something, too.

Actually, ifyou check those numbers against your phone buttons, you can makethem spell the word 'Note.' Perhaps that meanssomething. Let's go up the left stairway to the second level.Head into the stacks and find the following books: 'The JudoHandbook', which describes the Crane style of fighting;'Boiler Operations',which gives some info on the safeoperations of boilers; 'Dictionary of HandwritingAnalysis', and 'A Sign of the Times', depictingthe numerals and alphabet used in American Sign Language. See thecolor-coding here, and you can pick out A E J K 2 3 5.'Jake' and some numbers might provide the answer tosomething.

Don't youjust love some of the other titles, especially on the shelf wherethe boiler book is? 'Programming your VCR in 50 easysteps' right next to 'Quantum Physics for Novices'and down the line: 'Diners to Die For.' Funny stuff.

Okay, makeyour way around the other side to the table and chairs. Lookclose-up at the table, and you see a yellow notepad with thefollowing message on it:


Now, anyMaster Detective I've ever met will know how to solve this littlegem. It's a substitution code, and an easy one at that. The clueto solving it is right at the top of the page: 'The firstshall be the last.' The alphabet has just been reversed, sothat Z=A, Y=B and so on. Translated, it reads 'The one withthe temper and the Iron Fist is more than a prime suspect onJake's blackmail list.' What's an Iron Fist? A pistol,maybe? Look at that phone number. It says 'C.S.S.D.555-5836.' Isn't that the same number from the Judo posternear the gym? And who are C.W and D. G.? Could be Daryl Gray;wonder whom he's seeing? Does C.W. stand for Connie Watson? Funnythey hardly admit to knowing eacn other.

Continuearound past the study carrels and down the stairs. At the bottom,go right toward the Fiction section. You will find books onPalmistry, Optical Illusions, Violence, Protecting the Manatees,The Zodiac, and way in the back, a book on the meaning of dreamsymbols. Color-coded letters spell 'Don't Run Nancy.'

Exit thelibrary and talk with Hulk Sanchez. You find out that Jake andHal had something going on, and their lockers were adjacent. Talkwith Hal and you learn that Hulk was injured recently. Also thatDaryl's father was a senator, but his company went bankrupt a fewyears ago. But Previously, Connie told us Daryl drives a Porsche911. What's going on here? Talk to Connie. You don't get much outof her. Try the phone. The drug company (555-3784) is temporarilyclosed due to a depletion of supplies. How odd. For some fun,Tony's Pizza will answer, saying 'Heyy! Dis is Tony'sa-Pizza. Leave-a you message.' Cute. Also try the number onEloise's card (555-1204) and hear her trying to set up theanswering machine. Funny! And if you have the number for thePolice (555-4855) Yablonski answers and says 'Nancy, quitplaying with that phone and get back to work. We have a murder tosolve. '

Let's gofind Jake's locker and see if we can get into it. What was thatabout Jake's locker combination and the Phone? Let's see . . .j-a-k-e on the phone comes out 5-2-5-3. Maybe our experienceplaying Safecracker will come in handy after all. Aha! Let'ssnoop. On the top shelf is a Judo magazine. In it appears anarticle about the mysterious masked contestant who won firstprize. Who was he? Next to the magazine is a book of EnglishEssays. Remember the card catalogue? This is the book referred toon the card. Next to the book is an empty video-tape box. Lookingin the lower part of the locker, we find a box-knife on thefloor, and a newspaper article about a recent break-in at thePharmacy, where some Dianabol was stolen. Take the knife withyou.

IMPORTANT: Be sure you look in the book of Essays, the Judo story, and the newspaper article about the break-in.

Click on theschool building to approach it, and look for the hotspot on thefar right side of the building. It's not a very big spot. just tothe right of the lower right window. Remember the clue where itsaid 'Side of School?'

TheTeachers' Lounge

Thewindow has one pane that looks like a different kind of glass.Plexiglas maybe. Use the box-knife to make a hole you can reachthrough and release the window. Hop into the lounge. There is onebook in the bookcase you can open. In it is a note with a partialmessage, in sign language. It says ' . . . o was innocent . . ' Belowit are some colored circles. Put the red colored letters in thered spots and the black colored letters in the black slots. Thesetwo words I assume replace the 'o'. The message nowreads, 'Connie Watson was innocent,' which can betranslated into she didn't kill Jake. (Thanks to Trekkie 1006 forhelping solve this one.) Look at the map next to the filecabinet. Across the top and bottom you can read 'A trophywas not the only prize; but also money of a greatersize.'Hmmm. Someone won a trophy and a cash prize. For Judo,maybe? And the sides of the map say C W C W . . . Connie Watsonmaybe? Was she the masked winner? She is a toughie. In the filecabinet is a folder containing Hal's senior essay. Uh-oh. Itlooks like Hal copied it right out of that book of EnglishEssays.

IMPORTANT: Be sure you open the file folder and see the essay. Nancy realizes Hal was cheating.

Nextto the computer, you can find a memo by the telephone. It says:'B-4 U C D N-M-E, X-M-N D L-F-8-R.' I read this as'Before you see the enemy, examine the elevator.' Wakeup the computer by clicking on either the keyboard or the mouse.(How considerate for those people who don't like keyboards!) Typein 'eloise drew' (and press enter) and o wise elder (enter again)to get logged on. For help, click on the question mark. In thefile cabinet, notice the librarian is aware of the missing book.In the maintenance part, notice the need to fix the lock on thevideo lab, and to change the password to the boiler room. In thesecurity section, notice the password for the maintenance room:'NOTE.' Click on the printer icon to get a document. Goto the printer to see what came out. At 8:05 an exchange studentcame to get his homework. Hal maybe? At 8:30 two individualsobserved in the video lab. Is the redhead Jake? On the bottom ofthe page is a form number: BR19LL5.K5YP14 - if you substituteletters for the numbers, it reads 'Braille Keypad.'Above the printer is a Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.Several elements are highlighted. Can you hear the Morse Code in thebackground? I can do Morse Code sort of, but it has to be reallyslow. If there is a clue or message in the code (of course thereis) I can't get that one either. Maybe someone can help withthese two clues.

It'soptional, but a good idea to go into the boiler room at thistime. (Into the front entrance of the school and go right andright again. ) You know the entry code now. Press the buttons inthis order:

Iknow it's a pain, but change to disk 1. Down the elevator, andexplore. On the wall is a diagram of the correct Power, Pressureand Temperature settings. Make a note, or a diagram. You willneed this information later. Take the gloves out of the tool-boxon the floor. Also look around the left of the boiler. There is aladder (you can't go down, and a plaque on the wall with thenumber 1967. Is it a date, or a clue? Go back upstairs.

Okay,let's go face Hal about that essay. Ask him about the otherstudents first. Then about cheating.The truth comes out. He was desperate for time, and copied theessay. When Jake found out, he blackmailed Hal into doing allJake's homework. Be sure you ask him about Hulk'sinjury. You can ask all three students aboutthe video camera in Jake's locker, but it's not essential.

Talkto Hulk. Ask him about the other students first, then about break-inat the Drug Depot. He's getting cranky, too.

IMPORTANT: Before you leave Hulk's area, be sure to look close-up at the Judo poster, if you did not look at it before.

Talkto Connie. Ask her about the other students. Ask her last aboutthe Crane Medallion.

Timeto go to the Diner and visit with Daryl again.

When you talk to Daryl at the Diner, ask him about the break-in at the Pharmacy. Then ask the question that begins 'Hal, Hulk and Connie were all involved with Jake.' When Daryl tells you about a note some guy left for you, DO NOT choose the first optionthat says 'Pressure the suspects?' If you do that, the note will not be available and you will be stuck in Paseo Del Mar for all eternity. Any other response works correctly.
If the above question does not appear, you are trapped and will either need to replay, or download a saved game. Click Here to download a saved game file called 'Nansck2.sav' Put it in the Program FilesNancy DrewSecrets Can Kill folder. It will appear as the third book down on the Load/Save menu, and will be called 'Note.' The note should appear if you have asked all three students the underlined questions above.

You must getthe note, because it is the trigger for the sabotage in theboiler room. Return to the school, go into the boiler room, anddiscover that someone has adjusted the controls to a dangerouslevel, and chained them in place. The boiler is overheating andcould explode. Use the bolt cutters to remove the chain and resetthe power, pressure and temperature to the correct values. Thecenter one is good, leave it alone. Pull the left lever twice,the right one twice, and the left one once more. The boiler coolsdown.

If by some chance you don't have the bolt cutters, don't worry. You can use the gloves on the padlock to go close-up, and open the lock with the combination you discovered before (1967).

Turn aroundand find the matchbook with a phone number inside. You recognizeit as the pharmacy's number. Whoever sabotaged the boiler wasprobably connected with all the skullduggery. Exit the boilerroom through the grate to the right of the boiler, since thebutton to the lift has been smashed. Take the video cassette andexit. We need to watch that tape. Where was that VCR? Oh yeah,Eloise's house. Let's go there.

My, Jake wasa busy one. He has hard evidence on everybody. Hulk stealingdrugs, Connie posing as a boy, Hal copying his prize essay, andwhat's this? Our little Daryl selling stuff to some sleaze tryingto get lung cancer? That must be the mysterious Mitch. I think webetter talk with Daryl some more. (If there is a sign on thedoor, he's not at the diner just now.) Let's try our friends atthe school. Talk with Connie and Hulk about being blackmailed. Goback to the diner and talk with Daryl. He realizes he is introuble and agrees to help you later in the evening. Back to theschool and try to get the other kids to help. No-one wants to getinvolved. Be sure and tell Connie that Darylis in danger.

Exit, and itis nighttime. Check the Diner and it is closed. Go to thePharmacy. You see Daryl and Mitch arguing. Mitch pulls his gun,and Connie jumps in to save the day. The gun is knocked fromMitch's grip and you can pick it up. (It sshows up in yourinventory.) Hold it in your hand, and be ready to aim it at Mitch(don't forget to click; it doesn't fire the gun, but makes Mitchaware of it.) You have a very short time. If you are late, it'sBye-Bye Nancy. If you get his attention in time, he surrenders,and all's well that ends well. Way to go, Detective. On to thenext adventure.

This document may only bedistributed with the express written permission of theauthor, Tally Ho
The content of this document may not bealtered in any way without the permission of the author.
Any proposed changes or additions to thewalkthrough may be submitted to Tally Ho.
All images and concepts property of Her Interactive.

copyright 2001

GameBoomersWalkthroughs and Solutions

Nancy Drew®: Secrets Can KillRead Between the Lines to Expose a Killer! A family visit throws you, as Nancy Drew, into the scene of a crime that happened only last night! Jake Rogers is dead, and a secret died with him–or did it? Roll up your sleeves and dig into an engrossing mystery that is full of places to explore, puzzles to solve, suspects to question, danger to evade and evidence to evaluate. A wily killer may still be on the looseso keep your wits about you in Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill! Please Note: The original version (1998) is no longer available, however, you are able to purchase the REMASTERED version of this mystery PC/Mac game with a new ending and updated graphics.

“I did enjoy playing Secrets Can Kill. If you’ve never played it yourself or are looking for a gift for a special child in your life (I do want to emphasize that this game is suitable for male players as well as female ones), Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill makes for an affordable and fun gaming experience.” Just Adventure “Overall, this is a sweet little game by a female-run company. Also, although it’s pretty easy, it contains classic adventure game elements and a story strong enough to hold the player’s interest, and so it would be a good introduction to adventure games for either boys or girls. Drugs, blackmail, murder what more could any adventurer ask for?” FourFatChicks“This program challenges the user to become an investigator, to look carefully in every nook and cranny, and then return later to look again. It illustrates the need to carefully consider what is presented and sometimes reject the obvious. To question everything and to accept nothing without due consideration. It strengthens problem solving and critical thinking skills–skills that promote creativity, innovation and independence.

This program is, furthermore, one of the few aimed at adolescent girls that encourages them to be clever and not frivolous.” SuperKids. Secrets Can Kill (Remastered) is a really great game but even though the characters are the same as in the original the ending is totally different than the beginning you might as well have made a whole different game inspired by Secrets Can Kill. Otherwise, the game is amazing and I really love all the things that y'all do it is so much fun! I enjoyed the game and can't wait to play more games like it. My favorite game so far is The Silent Spy. Please hurry with the next game, Midnight In The Salem!!!

It's going to be so much fun!!!!! Connie WatsonConnie is a tough girl who is into judo. She spends most of her time hanging out in the student lounge. Connie is a pretty normal girl, with a dark secret.Daryl GrayWorking at Maxine’s Diner, Daryl is the rich, pretty-boy of the school who drives a Porsche. But if his family is so wealthy, why does he need to work at the diner?Hal TanakaHal is a foreign exchange student from Japan. He is trying to get a scholarship so he can go to college.

He admits to making mistakes, but he won’t talk about them.Hector Sanchez“Hulk” is a stereotypical jock who may even play professional sports one day. Hector does pretty well in school, the girls all love him, and he SEEMS to have a great life.SaveSaveSave.