
Tales Of Legendia Senel

1 Jan 2000admin

Aged 17, Senel Coolidge is still a youth, but he's already a skilled fighter due to his experience as a Marine Trooper, during which time he has battled monsters and pirates while patrolling the coastal seaways. Strong-willed, highly focused and prone to act without explanation, which sometimes leads to being regarded as standoffish, he also excels at swimming and piloting boats. Two years younger, his sister, Shirley Fennes, isn't so robust; indeed, her allergy to ocean water and even salty breezes makes her seem frail, especially compared to her vigorous sibling. Introverted by nature and possessing iron-like determination, she's suspected by some to be descended from a former ruling bloodline, the Merines. Adrift on the ocean, the two come across an ancient vessel. This chance event draws them into a great struggle that will determine the fate of the world!Described as a heroic saga of love and courage that also explores the ties that connect us all, Namco's reportedly retains such core elements of the hit series as memorable characters and a gripping storyline with an updated combat scheme, the Crossover Linear Motion Battle System, X-LiMBS, that combines aspects of the property's traditional format with the kind of action found in the company's successful Tekken and Soul Calibur fighting properties.

A boss run of Tales of Legendia with the one and only Senel Coolidge.

A key facet is a special skill known as eres, which involves using tiny bits of energy drawn from the air to perform amazing feats. There are two categories, Crystal and Iron, Senel being adept at the latter. Recently, we had the good fortune to learn more about the title, which is listed as a February 2006 release for the PlayStation2, from its Producer, Jun Toyoda. Includes nine exclusive screenshots. Jonric: In overview, what kind of RPG is, and what kinds of gamers is it most likely to attract?

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Jun Toyoda: is a game where players set out on an adventure along with fascinating characters, while at the same time enjoying the exhilaration found in a fighting game. Since players can easily indulge themselves in the deep storyline, this game is highly recommended for anyone who has felt a story to be lacking in fighting games. On the other hand, players who find the traditional RPG battle system to be tedious will also enjoy it. Players who want to try out controls unique to Tales of Legendia should give Senel, the fighter, a try.

He has the ability to throw downed enemies across the screen. Jonric: What do you regard as the key strengths of the Tales series, and how are you building on them in this game? Jun Toyoda: One of the key strengths of the Tales series is the interaction and cooperation occurring amongst the unique characters. As the course of the story unfolds, they will go through hardships and find themselves locked in conflict.

But at the end of the journey, players will find themselves developing a strong bond to all the characters. In order to further broaden this theme, various character quests were also included. While the main scenario focuses on the main character Senel and his sister Shirley, the character quests put the spotlight on the other six characters by allowing the player to learn about each of their pasts and their objectives as well as their inner struggles.Jonric: What would you like to tell our readers about the overall nature of the gameworld and the structure of Tales of Legendia? Jun Toyoda: In the past, the settings for the Tales series took place across an entire world. However, the story this time is set on an ancient relic - a huge ship known as the Legacy. Even though it's technically a ship, the size of the gameworld is no different from those in the other Tales series titles.

As players advance through the game, they will soon discover the secrets behind this ship, such as who made it and what purpose it serves as well as its hidden powers. The structure of the scenario is unique to Tales of Legendia. Once the main scenario has been cleared, the player can then go through the character quests. These have the same scale as the main scenario, but with a greater number of event animations. There is a total of more than 70 hours of gameplay, so players can take their time to fully indulge in this game.Jonric: Do you play as Senel Coolidge, or are other player characters available, and if so, how do they differ from one another? Jun Toyoda: All eight of the main characters in Tales of Legendia are playable characters.

The female swordswoman, Chloe, is recommended for those who want to reminisce with the same kind of play found in previous Tales games. Players who want to try out different types of controls might be interested in Jay's breakdance-like ninja arts or Moses' long distance spear attacks. Will or Norma's magic spells would suit players who prefer to take time to strategically plan their moves. Finally, players who want to try out controls unique to Tales of Legendia should give Senel, the fighter, a try. He has the ability to throw downed enemies across the screen. As he levels up, he can even send a monster as big as a dragon flying.

This is something unlike other games in the Tales series.Jonric: What are the so-called 'eres' skills, are they linked to particular characters, and how do they function? Jun Toyoda: There are two kinds of eres - iron eres, used by fighters like Senel and Chloe, and crystal eres, used by characters like Will and Norma. Both kinds of skills utilize particles of Nerifes found in the atmosphere to produce supernatural powers. Iron eres utilizes particles of Nerifes found within one's body, while crystal eres utilizes particles outside the body.

There are also higher-level skills known as sacred eres. Characters will not be able to use sacred eres until the last half of the game.

Basics Tales of Legendia is a complicated, complex game with a lot of aspects that you have to master in order to make the most of your gaming experience. You can even squeak through a lot of the game without understanding or mastering a lot of this, but when push comes to shove, the game will become easier and more rewarding if you take advantage of all it has to offer. Below we cover many aspects of the game that we think you should understand, including fighting, cooking, and even character interaction. After that, you will find a list of things to remember before starting your quest.

Doing Battle (Commands, Tips, and Settings)The Tales series is most famous for its intense fighting system. Unlike in many RPGs (like the Final Fantasy series, amongst others), simple button-mashing will do nothing but get you killed in Tales of Legendia. In lieu of button mashing, therefore, you must select the character you will control in battle by placing him in the top-most spot on your menu. This character will almost always be Senel (you'll WANT to control him). We recommend that you control Senel in battle at all times, since he has the most potential for insane damage and combos, especially late in the main quest.Let's say you're controlling Senel, and a random battle occurs.

Well the other members in your party (up to three) will be controlled by the computer while you manually control Senel. Attack using senel via the X button on the Playstation 2 controlled. Press it multiple times to do a basic combo on an enemy. If you have Eres (more on Eres in the next section) equipped on Senel, which you should at all times via basic button combinations (similar to a fighting game), you can pepper enemies with these attacks as well, which are Eres-based and therefore cost TP. TP consumption will limit your Eres use because the attacks are generally more powerful than conventional attacking methods. However, you slowly gain TP back in battle, as well as some after each battle, so don't be too timid in your Eres usage. If you can chain together regular attacks and Eres attacks (the latter by using a combination of directional buttons surrounding the primary use of the Circle button), you can do insane combinations, an upwards of over 100 hits.

When combined with the attacks of other, computer-controlled players in your party, the attacks can get out of hand and be extremely powerful. Just keep in mind that while in battle, if you're getting hurt badly, you can always block enemy attacks using the Square button.Now a word on the other characters you don't control in battle: they will be controlled by the computer based on commands you put in. You can control these settings from the strategy (et al) on the main menu. You can control a character's TP usage, strategies, distance kept from enemy, defense vs. Offense, et cetera. Of course, if you don't like what one of these characters are doing, you can change these settings mid-battle, and can also manually command them to use certain Eres or Items in battle.

You can't, however, change who you control mid-battle.In battle, you can also use items by selecting it from the menu by pressing the Triangle button (here you can also see the Strategy and Eres commands, as well as some other commands, such as escaping from battle). Items can be used mid-battle to heal, raise defense, offense. Any number of things. They will be especially useful in tough battle situations, and especially in boss battles. Eres (Magic)Tales of Legendia doesn't have a magic system, but it does have an alternative.

It's called Eres, which are special abilities ingrained into any character that allows them to accomplish many feats. If you've played prior Tales games, you'll recognize a lot of these attacks (especially those the physical attackers use. For instance, a lot of Chloe's Eres mimic the special attacks Mary could use in Tales of Destiny).

Depending on which character you are referring to, the Eres for that character could mean different things. For instance, Chloe, Senel, and Moses use Eres that are combined with their physical attacking to make them stronger.

But characters like Will and Norma use Eres that are essentially magic, since they are cast long range. These include healing spells, gray magic, and mostly black magic that is of an offensive nature when in battle. Some of these Eres (the healing ones, primarily) can even be used outside of battle to heal a party member or revive someone who's died. Characters like Jay and Grune use Eres and attacks simultaneously and hence are somewhere in the middle of the two earlier classifications. Casting Eres, no matter how a character uses them, is not unlimited.

It's based on TP (which is the 'MP' of this game). However, TP isn't as precious as it may sound, for it is replenished slowly in battle, and is also replenished in some quantity after each battle. Using Gels can replenish it quickly, as can staying at an inn, which will refill it completely. Eres are important in this game, so make sure you master how to use them. Also, mess around with Eres combinations, as you can create your own, special Eres by combining inherent skills you've already learned. (Eres themselves are learned by getting an Eres scroll and then unlocking the essence of the scroll by collecting dropped Eres Stones, which differ by a monster's race. Each monster's race is cataloged in the Enemies part of this guide).

BakingNow, a brief word on baking. The Tales series is so cool because a vast majority of the games released have this weird stress on cooking and using food items to replenish a party's HP and TP, give them special status effects, et cetera. In prior Tales titles such as Tales of Symphonia, one would seek out the Wonder Chef in various places throughout the game to learn his top secret recipes that he would teach you. Using these recipes and the necessary foodstuffs that you would find throughout the game, you could then make the food based on the recipe he taught you. This game expands on this premise by giving you not the Wonder Chef, but the Wonder Baker, who makes breads, pastries, deserts, et cetera.

The food you buy and find throughout the game are used to make the food found in these recipes.The walkthrough section of this guide catalogs each of the recipes found in the game throughout, although a majority of the recipes are actually found in the Character Quest, which isn't covered in this guide. However, you can still have some fun cooking with what you do find, and storing it in a bread bag (that can carry, initially, ten pieces of created food based on recipes).

Use them wisely, because some of them are extremely useful, especially because when used, they benefit not one character but the party as a whole. You can replenish TP, HP, et cetera with a certain recipe and save your more valuable Gels and Bottles for battle situations. Character Interaction and StorylineThere's few RPGs on the market today that have a storyline as deep and original as you'll find here in Tales of Legendia. The walkthrough of this guide covers each part of the storyline briefly as the game goes on (and more and more briefly as the game carries on). We try not to spoil too much of the game for you and stress often that you pay close attention to the conversations and cutscenes carried on by various characters. This game has an unusually high amount of non-play content in the form of character discussions, long cutscenes, and even short anime sequences.

We'll briefly run through what the significance of them is at any point in the walkthrough, but again we have to highly stress here that you pay close attention to the storyline as to not get lost.The characters in this game are deeper than you would usually find in any RPG, even those which pride themselves on deep character development and complex storylines. So much happens in the game that you don't control that half of the time the game logs could very well be not actual gameplay, but rather cutscenes. The voice acting is great, and the storyline is interesting, so don't just rush through these parts by incessantly bashing the X button. Rather, sit back, relax, listen and enjoy. It'll make your experience with the game that much better.And now, Ten Things To Remember about Tales of Legendia as you play: 1) Take Your Time - There's no need to rush.

The game is extremely deep. If you think this guide is humongous (and it is), then just try to fathom that the guide only covers the first half of the game. That's the extent of the game, and the experience Namco is trying to deliver. So take your time. Soak it all in. There is no fire.

Hence, there should be no rush!2) Talk to Everyone - The game takes place primarily around one town called Werites Beacon on a floating 'continent' of sorts called The Legacy. You'll return often to this town, and each time you do, different parts of the town will be open, and even people you've spoken to before may have different things to say.

Horse haven world adventures pc download. This tip therefore is kind of in conjunction with the tip above. Take the time to talk to everyone in Werites Beacon as often as you can.

You'll extend the storyline, learn some interesting things, and maybe even trip off a side quest or two.3) Constantly Upgrade Your Equipment - Unlike most RPGs, your source of new weapons and armor for your party will actually come not from buying them but from finding them. That's why the walkthrough of this guide is so important. Following it will allow you to never miss a new piece of armor, or a new weapon, et cetera, for any character in your group. You can also consult the various weapons and armor shops (and item shops, for accessories) that are available to you in the game, primarily the one at Werites Beacon. Every so often you'll find some new stuff to buy (and the walkthrough will let you know just when to check). Keeping your characters' equipment top-notch is an important key to survival in the game, especially when enemies get tougher and tougher, which they do.

The game's difficulty certainly picks up from how it starts, to prepare for it best you can.4) Fight Carefully - The art of fighting in Tales of Legendia cannot be understated. Fighting not only nets you experience to build levels and Gald to allow you to buy goods, it also nets you bonuses to experience based on how you fight the battle, dropped items, and most importantly, something called Grade, which is based on any number of events that happen in battle. If your Grade is positive, that's good.

If it's negative, you likely weren't fighting to the best of your ability. Getting hit less, hitting more, killing quickly.

These are all things that will allow you to ultimately build Grade. Grade can be used when the entire game is finished to unlock some secrets for a second play-through. So keep it in mind when you fight, as it's very much relative.5) Linear = Relative Ease - If Tales of Legendia is one thing, at least in the half of the game we cover in this guide, it's linear. It doesn't make it easy necessarily, but it does make the game more manageable.

Don't get discouraged as you play if you get lost. The answer is likely very easy to figure out.

When you finish with A, you should move onto B, then C, then D. There's usually little discrepancy. Of course, you could always consult the walkthrough of this guide if push comes to shove!6) Stock Up! - Items are key in this game. Things like Gels and Bottles will be valuable commodities to have, especially late in the game when save and heal spots become rarer, enemies become more powerful, and you get to the verge of death more often. You can only have 15 of every item in the game, to be sure, but you should stock up on what you need. Apple, Orange and Lemon Gels are key to refill HP and TP.

Things like Pineapple Gels, Scallop Gels, Melange Gels, and Miracle Gels do a little bit of both and are also awesome to have in your inventory. Bottles can make you stronger in battle, weaken your enemy, and even revive a dead comrade. Most certainly keep as many items as you can afford in your inventory at all times. You won't be sorry when a time comes that you really need a Gel or Bottle and you have plenty of them to spare.7) Bake! - Baking may seem dumb, it may even seem arbitrary, but in Tales of Legendia, it's neither of these things. In fact, baking can become vital for it can replace use of many items that should be saved for items, and most of the baking will effect everyone in your party, not just one. So if a piece of food replenishes 50% of your TP, it'll do that for everyone in the party.

Pretty neat, right? Use Bakeries, use your foodstuffs, and use them often! Food is cheap and baking is free.8) Save When You Can - Saving is fundamental in RPGs, and yet people always skip it just to proceed quickly with the game. More often than not, this is a humongous blunder because if you die in the game, chances are you will be transported back to the last place you saved. If that was five hours prior in your game, you are not going to be a happy camper, and this very thing has discouraged people from finishing RPGs since their origins on consoles in the 1980s.


Save spots are aplenty for most of the game, so use them. You can also save on the world map. Whatever it is, don't neglect that save option! It'll give you peace of mind.9) Heal Often - Tales of Legendia has heal spots strewn throughout the game (as pointed out in the walkthrough) that are usually adjacent to save spots.

Use them to replenish automatically you're entire party's HP and TP. These are humongous helps, especially when you find yourself in a long dungeon or about to approach a tough boss fight. This allows you to save food and items that you'll need for other times, and is a sort of way to cheat the system.

At times, in fact, these actually make the game easier than it probably should be. Nonetheless, they're in the game to use, so use 'em!10) And finally, Have Fun! - Don't take the game too seriously. There are disproportionally hard fights in the game (such as the one with Stingle) that will come has a huge surprise when the game had been so manageable up to that point. Don't get discouraged, however, but instead step up your technique and try again. Good luck!guidesfeedback@ign.com.