
Nancy Drew The Silent Spy Walkthrough And Cheats

1 Jan 2000admin

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy Forum. Stuck at safe house 1: 624: Jan 1, 15 1:01 PM by zanoo. Where's the Walkthrough? 1: 897: Dec 31, 14 3:16 PM by bfgWaimea. Fireplace rocks 5: 700: Dec 30, 14 9:17 AM by zanoo. Stuck on the USB Soduko 1: 761: Dec 7, 14 8:49 AM by julesyhedgehog. The Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy Walkthrough is a detailed strategy guide to help you if you are stuck.

Nancy Drew 29: The Silent Spy walkthroughNancy Drew 29: The Silent SpyBy Her InteractiveWalkthrough by MaGtRo October 2013Gameplay: This is a first person point andclick game.The main menu has new game, load game, options,help, extras, more ND and quit selections.The options menu has voice, effects and musicvolume adjustments. Full screen and windowed game screen selection andFast convo selection are here also.Help shows the different cursors and navigationarrows used in the game.

The interface description is shown at bottom ofscreen.Extras have awards, credits, outtakes and teaser.Outtakes and teaser are locked until the end of the game.More ND shows the other Nancy Drew casual andadventure games released by Her Interactive; as well as links to Facebook,twitter, You Tube and Pinterest.Select to play either Amateur or Master Sleuthdifficulty mode. Amateur Sleuth has regular puzzles; hints available anddetailed task list. Master Sleuth has more challenging puzzles; no hints andhasbasic task list.The game screen has menu at bottom left of thepage.

It has main menu, save game, load game, options, help and resume gamelinks.The main menu frame has a trophy cup icon at rightside. Clicking it will show the trophies that can be achieved in doingcertain actions in the game.The cell phone is beside the menu link.

It hasphone, camera, games, settings and hints.The phone has pictures and names of availablecharacters that can be called. Click on the name or picture to getanother frame that has a 'call' button.The camera can take 30 shots. Photos that aretaken can be viewed. The focus can be zoomed in-out.There are 7 games installed on the phone.Settings have wallpaper selections as well asring back and message sound tones selections.The envelope icon show messages received.The power button closes the cell phone.At the center of the bottom bar is where the itemscollected are seen.

Use the slider tab at top of the bar to go through theitems.The frames for Tasks and Journal are right of theinventory bar.The tasks list has the to do things in thegame. The question mark beside the task gives hints to help the gamerfulfill the task. If you do not use the hint system, you will get anaward.The journal has observations and suspects.The dialogue frame has a double arrow at right; itis used to hasten the dialogue.The game is non-linear. The walkthrough below is justone way to get through the game.Phone charms are only for the games with bonus.

Thenotes about them are in parentheses.Read the papers on Nancy's desk - letter, ticket,The Glaucus Lodge keycard and Kate's picture.Nancy receives a letter from Security Servicebranch of the MI-5, Cathedral. The Office of International Affairs - MI5asks Nancy for help in solving the mysterious death in a single automobilecrash of her mother, Kate Drew. They believe that she was killed by thegroup she was investigating in Glasgow.Looking at Kate Drew's picture at a train station invokes a memory of seeing her mom answer the phone call from acertain Moira in the living room of their home.Wyvern Gate Station:Someone steals Nancy's suitcase. Alec Fell, a skiptracer tries tocatch the thief but fails. Nancy has a lot of important papersabout her mom in that suitcase.The Glaucus Lodge:Use the hotel keycard to open Nancy's hotel room 727 door.Answer the cell phone call from Ewan MacLeod, theCathedral contact.Look around the room. There is a power cord on the mirrored table and a safe in the closet.Look out the window to see rooms across thecourtyard.Find the case file:Open the left side table drawer. Take 21 coins.Pick up any coins seen.

AmateurMasterExplore the training building - Brae Arena:Exit and then turn around. Go to the building atright. (Check the Brae Arena sign left of door to get a bow and arrow phonecharm.)Enter and turn around.Information: Check theinformation desk.Read the Mastering the Bow book to learn the 3 bowtypes: longbow, recurve and compound.

The longbow is for target practice,the recurve is for target shooting events because of its improved accuracy.The compound is used for hunting or bowfishing.Read the Great Highland Bagpipe book. Learnthe parts of the bagpipe and the 9 notes commonly played on the chanter. Thedrones produce continuous note while the chanter provides the melody.Target practice: Turn right andsee stacked of hay at back of room.There's a locked compound bow at left. Takethe 5 coins under the table with arrows on top.See the high score black frame.

It has scoresmade by Kate and Moira based on variations of Kate and Moira Chilsom's name.Bagpipe: Turn to theright under the windows and see a bagpipe that is missing a part.Punching bag: Hit the humantraining punching bag at right. See training swords left of the punchingbag.Archery: Turn around toface the stacks of hay. Go to the right corner to start the archery practice.Click-hold the left mouse button to pullthe bow.Position the crosshair right of the target based on the speed and size of the moving target andthen release.The aim is to get the highest score. Thehigh score is 37 (amateur) or 55 (master).When done, the bow case is opened. Take thecompound bow from the case.If you play the archery puzzle oftenenough, you might get an award.Get the key from room and check with Ewan:Exit the training building and go to the station.(Upon exiting the Loch Lomond platform, take the dragon phone charm from thechair at right.)Deli: Exit the stationand check the deli. Look at the display case to find out that a haggiscost 5 pounds.Talk to Bridget.

She thinks Nancy was with Alec atthe cabin.Nancy's room: Enter thehotel.Get a phone call from Ned and Carson. Ned wascaught burgling Nancy's house.

After some conversation. Carson understandsthe situation and tells Ned where the poem is located.Be at the elevator. Press 7 for Nancy's floor.Enter room 727 at left hallway.Luggage: Go to thecloset. See Nancy's luggage. Nancy sees that mom's stuff is gone. Bestto ask Alec.Get coins from the shiny circle at rightside of suitcase.Safe: Open the safe usingthe room number 727 multiplied by the price of a haggis 5 = 3635.Take the Glaucus Lodge - Cathedral keycard.Face the mirror on the table and see a brightreflection.Nancy checks the window to see Bridget actingweird.

Nancy wants to check her room.Elevator: Go to theelevator and use the Cathedral keycard on the slot on the panel.Press the large button abovethe slot on the panel.Ewan: Enter the Cathedralcommand center. Talk to Ewan. He will check Alec Fell.Ewan gives a zipline and arrow to go with the bowtaken at the Brae Arena.

This will get Nancy to Bridget's room across the hotel courtyard.Learn about Revenant. Nancy is given basicclearance to work in the computer.Track down more information about mom's past withcathedral:Cathedral Archives: Climb thesteps and go right.Turn right again.

Get coins from the caseat end of the aisle. Look close at the monitor computer. It isNancy's personal portal to the archives.Green cards: Read the file onKate Drew-Katherine Austin. Learn that her internal name is harrier; Moirais lark, Carson is condor and Nancy is kestrel.See the records of George - swift, Bess - magpieand Ned - robin. Joe and Frank Hardy are trusted operative but their recordsare mostly blanked out.Read Nancy's record. Learn that Moira wasdishonorably discharged.White papers: Read aboutKate's non-standard hire practice. Kate was believed to have run the Colonyoperation off-line on her last visit to Scotland.

Read about Colonyoperations. Learn about the Colony scientists.Other papers: See 3brown files and 2 green files that need passwords to unlock. The Revenant symbol is ared R and a bird claw.Symbols: Look at thepaper with 6 sets of symbols. Take a picture of this with your camera.Explore the Cathedral's field agent command center:Face the corner and take the coins on thefloor between the 2 machines.Spy gears: Look around.

Go to the corner glass case. Checkthe locked spy gears in the case. The keypad is on the left. It is offline.Go around to the other side.Firewall controls: Beforeentering the server room; check the firewall control box at right wall. Fromleft to right: B4, B3, B2 and B1 buttons.Server room: Enter the backroom and see banks of servers. Each servers are labeled with a tartan. Thereare 5 sets of labeled servers on 3 aisles.The main computer server is on the right wall of thefront right aisle - B1.Get coins from the vent at top of wall atright corner of room - B2.Go to the left corner at B3 and see the thermostatcontrol which is presently at 69.Firewall controls + aisle:Open the firewall control panel.Press B1 and see that the front aisle on the lefthas a physical firewall dropped to block entry.B2 is for the far right aisle.

B3 is for the backleft aisle and B4 is for the front left aisle.Another Revenant test:Exit the Cathedral center and go down to theground floor.Outside the hotel, get another call from themysterious caller. Nancy gets another test - cut the lines the trashcompactor at station.Go to the station and go to the maintenance roomat end of the hallway.Use the shears taken from Giffnock on the red tubehanging on top of the trash compactor.Go to the door and answer the phone. Hear Kate'svoice again.

She wants a message sent to her family but the recording wascut off.Alec: Talk to Alec twice. Hedidn't find the poem in the luggage. Nancy tells him that the poem hasnotations on it.Bridget: Exit the stationand talk to Bridget.Track down a color copy of the Jabberwocky poem:Go back to the room 727. See an envelope on thedoor. Get the colored copy of mom's poem - the Jabberwocky that Nedsent.Find a way to cross the courtyard over to Bridget'sroom:Shoot the bow and arrow with zipline:Go to the window.

Use the bow and arrowon Bridget's room.See the circle crosshair. The aim is to hit thesmall circle on top of the middle arched window.Do as practiced at the Brae Arena. Click hold theleft mouse button.Place the crosshair on or right of the target, wait justbefore the spinning disk stops (slows down) and release.Nancy zips across the courtyard and entersBridget's room. If you use the zipline a lot, you might get anachievement.Search Bridget's room:Read the notebook on left side table. Bridget istracking Nancy's movements.

There's a MacLorthen noted on the side of thepage.(Take the crown phone charm from the armrest ofthe blue chair at left).Check the painting left of the blue chair. There'snothing behind it.Check the flowers at center of the coffee table.Hmm.Cell phone: Pick up thecell phone from the yellow ceramic on table at back of the couch.Tartan: See a tartanat top right. It is the MacLorthen plaid as shown in Bridget's notebookand Moira's Tartan book.The aim is to copy the tartan colored lines.Begin by coloring from the bottom - up.The gray arrows at sides of the frame arelocations of lines.The colors are the squares at right of frames.Select-click a color and then click on thegray arrow(s) where you want it placed.

Color and number of linesLocation placedshown in picture2 black12 dark blue2white3red4light blue5yellow6green72 dark blue82 orange9green102 dark blue11light blue122 green13yellow14Read the text messages that shows that Bridget isfollowing her around and knows about the Cathedral connection. She is beingpaid by Owl eyes and the next order is behind the Burns words on the plaqueat the front of the hotel.Exit through the window to zip line back toNancy's hotel room.Open the compartment hidden in the bench by the deli:Go outside of hotel. Talk to Bridget. She saysshe's been robbed. They took money. Nancy diverts her with story of spiesgoing to her room.Bridget leaves.Check the plaque on the bench.

Use the screwdrivertaken from the pub in Giffnock on the screws.5 sliding plates: The aimis to slide the 5 plates out at right side.Click to rotate and click-drag to move theplates. Turn #3 once.Turn #4 once.Turn #3 once.Turn #4 once.Turn #2 once.Turn #4 once.Turn #1 twice.Turn #4 twice.See a note: 'We have eyes and ears on you inthe station. Stand by for our call. Her life depends on it.' Someone is threatening Alec.Follow through on the instructions from Bridget'stexts:Souvenir shop at train station:The instruction states to place money inside a blue bag.Go to the train station's souvenir shop. Buy the blue bag atbottom right display for 12 coins. If you need money, make cookies at the deli again.Get a text message from Bess.

Read other unreadmessages. Get 20 coins from the ticket window.Bridget: Go to the deliand see Bridget standing there. Talk to Bridget. She asks Nancy's phone andhid what she's doing to it.Nancy confronts Bridget. After the confrontation, Bridget loses her accentand leaves.Trash Can: Place the blue bagin the trash can left of the bench.

The money is automatically placed inthere. If you need money, make cookies at the deli again.Leave as the instruction stated.Ewan at Cathedral: Go to Ewan atthe Cathedral control room. Enter the elevator and push the large button onthe bottom of panel.Talk to Ewan completely to learn about Alec, the attack,Colony and Revenant. If Revenant has the correct formula and the people tomake it the attack; it will happen instantaneously. The glass case is offlineand the lock is half fixed only.Spy glasses: Go back tothe trash can by the deli. Pick up the odd glasses.See that it was made for Zoe Wolfe.Go back to Ewan at the Cathedral control room.Give the glasses to Ewan. They are augmentedreality glasses.Zoe Wolfe: Go to front ofhotel.

Talk to Zoe aka Bridget. She knows that Nancy has the glasses but sheremote wiped the drive already.Nancy has to trust only Zoe; no one else. Sheknows about Carson's passport. Zoe warns Nancy about the danger.Carson Drew: Use the cellphone to call dad-Carson. Nancy and Carson start opening up about Kate. Katethrew a wrench in the Colony attack by looking for the scientist that workedthe formula. Based on Carson's sources, Zoe might be the real deal.Ned Nickerson: Call Nedon the cell phone.

Nancy asks Ned to get all info about Revenant.Call Ned again after a while to learn aboutRevenant. Learn that Revenant is thought of as a parent.Open fireplace using clues in journal.Moira: Go to trainstation and then Bearsden.

Talk to Moira twice. Learn about her relationshipwith Kate, Carson and Cathedral. Get Kate's case book.The people that wants Kate's secret wants Nancyhere to see if she can find out what Kate hid. She admits that she got Kateto come here and lead her to her death all because of a lie.Kate's case book: Read Kate'scase book completely. Learn about her theory that Glasgow was a test run.People all around the country were primed to do one thing like standing on Tuesday noon in large groups at the city centers.Kate: Go to trainstation. On the way, another mom memory is triggered.

Child Nancy is upsetat her mom. Nancy doesn't understand why she has to leave. Nancy refuses topractice piano with Kate.Safehouse: Go to LochLomond safehouse.Vault in fireplace:Look close at the vault that was exposed earlier using the pattern onthe fireplace stones.Review the white paper inside Kate's casebook.Amateur clues: If you'redoing this puzzle by the clues below, the letters-numbers can be enteredas the clues are decoded.Enter the numbers using the arrows left orright of each alphabet or number.Alphabets and numbers to enter: A to J (no I)and 1-9No letter or number appears more than once.The top row contains BEF in that order. (Thereforeenter BEF on top row.)The vowels are in the middle column in the top 2rows. (Therefore 2nd row is -A.)In the same column, E is above H which is above 6.(Therefore - EH6 are in the middle column in certain order)In the same column, J is above D, which isdirectly above 3, which is above 1.

(Therefore - JD31 are in rows 2-5.)The fifth row contains 1, 2 and 9 in some order.8 is before 6 in one row and 2 is after 9 inanother. (So 86 and 92 in 2 rows.)In one column G is directly below C and above 2.CG2. So 2 is at right column.(So - JD31 of rows 2-5 are in left column andthe order of row 5 is 192. H is third row middle column. C and G are inrows 2 and 3 at right column.)The fourth row contains only odd numbers. (So- 357 in some order).7 is before 5 in one row.(So fourth row is 375 and 6 is middle columnat bottom row.


The bottom row is then 864.)The vault opens.When the vault opens, a text message from Nedarrives. AmateurMasterMaster clues: Enter the numbers using the arrows left orright of each alphabet or number.Alphabets and numbers to enter: A to J (no I)and 1-9No letter or number appears more than onceC is below A and above H in the same column.(Therefore ACH.)E is above D and immediately next to J.3 is next to 4 and below G which is below D.(Therefore EDG.)In one column, B is immediately below J and above4 which is immediately above 6. (Therefore JBF and 46).All three columns contain three consecutivenumbers in some order (1-3, 4-6, 7-9 in some order).The fifth row contains only even numbers, indecreasing value from left to right. (Therefore 862 is in the 5th row; and 4and JBF are in the middle column. 4 is at 4th row with 3 at right of 4).7 is to the left of 1. (Last row 751 and 4th row943).Enter the rest of the known clues above.The vault opens.When the vault opens, a text message from Nedarrives.Discover what's hidden within the vault in the cabin:Box: Examine the box ofAgent 379237. Get fly bug, MP3 player with dead battery andfake diary.Fake Diary: Read the fakediary.

Moira asks Kate to watch Royal Institute of Health staff.Turn the pages to torn note for Nancy.Moira wrote at last page after Kate was killed.Cipher wheel: Check thecipher wheel; it is missing a disk.Find a way to fix the glasses from the dead drop:Travel back to Glasgow.Zoe: Exit stationand talk to Zoe. Zoe threatens to have Nancy picked up and send homeforcibly.Spy glass: Go to Ewan atthe Cathedral control room at the hotel.Pick up the spy glass.Ewan raises the security on the lift.

Nancy mightnot get there anymore using the elevator.Click on spy glass and see that it scans thesurroundings. Click on the glasses in inventory to take the glasses off.If you use the spy glass often enough, youmight get an award.Find a way to listen to Alec's phone call:Go back to the station, look close at Alec's bag.Place the fly bug on a pen holder inside Alec's bag (can be done earlier).Note the pen and the logo.Go to Loch Lomond safehouse.Use the computer monitor on the table. Click onthe bug icon at top right.Click on arrow to listen to phone. Hear Alec talkabout Nancy figuring it out herself and a bag in the locker.Go back to train station.Talk to Alec twice to learn that his sister isheld by the people that want Alec to watch Nancy.Listen to Mom's old MP3 player:Talk to Zoe in front of hotel.MP3 player: Go to Nancy's room.Look close at the plug right side of the mirrored desk.Use the mp3 player on the plug or wire.

It is notworking.Click on the outlet and see that there is a bug.Someone was listening to Nancy. After a few seconds the bug self-destructs.Kate's recording: Listen tothe mp3 player. She talks about following the raven at the archives andabout the scientist being told to run.Get pass Ewan's increased security in the elevator:Archives? Go down to the Cathedral control center.At the elevator, realize that you can't go down bypressing the large button since Ewan changed the security.Use the spy glasses and see the panel withgreen hexagon around 6 numbers.Press the green lit numbers from the largestsize to smallest: 4 2 6 1 3 5.Zoe: Enter thecontrol center and see that Ewan is not here.Hear glass breaking.

See Zoe breaking in the spyitem case. She takes things and waves at Nancy.Ewan arrives and is not pleased about Zoe. Zoetook one of a kind drone bugs.Talk to Ewan about Alec.Search the display case Zoe broke into in the commandcenter. Amateur: Look close at panel left of the spy item glasscase.See group of colored squares. Nancy says to groupthe colors to clear the board.Only 2 or more colored squares can be removed at atime.1-2.

Click to remove blue squares.3-4. Click to remove orange squares.5. Click to remove yellow squares.6. Click to remove orange squares.7-8.

Click to remove green squares.9-10-11. Click to remove pink squares.12. Click to remove combined red squares.13. Click to remove pink squares.14. Click to remove green squares.15. Click to remove combined red squares.16. Click to remove combined pink squares.17.

Click to remove combined orangesquares.Master: Click on the numbered squaresin sequence.Case open. Take cipher wheel and drone bug on theboots.Get a text message from Zoe.Examine the coin collection folder. Check thecoins.Take 10 coins from bottom shelf.Track down the passwords for the locked entries in thearchives:Following mom's comment about raven and archive; goto the archives computer at right.Select a green locked file.Type in RAVEN for password and then press 'enter'.Read all 3 green locked files.Learn the activities of Revenant in UK, US, ES andFR. See a picture of Kate.The note for Moira states to listen to the recordto find out where Kate hid' him'. It will show the letters to use for thepoem copy. Transfer those letters in order they appear to another sheet forthe encrypted text.

Crack the code for the contact.The password doesn't work on the brown lockedfiles.Talk to Ewan. He said to watch Zoe.Find a way to listen in on what Zoe is up to part 1:Revenant: Go to theelevator to go back up to 7th floor-room.Get another call from Revenant mysterious caller.It says that Ewan has proven unreliable and wants Nancy to wire tap hiscomputer.Zoe's room: Go to room727 and then window.Use the bow and arrow on Zoe's window andautomatically be in Zoe's room.Plant the drone bug on the flower vase on thecoffee table.Zipline back to Nancy's room.Place a wiretap on Ewan's computer:Go to Cathedral control room.Thermostat: Go to theserver. Go to the back left aisle - B3. See the thermostat.Raise or lower the temperature by using thearrows at right of the readout until an alarm is heard.Hear Ewan get upset.

Learn that Ewan has to resetthe thermostat himself and be away from his desk.Hiding place: Go back tothe server room and look for a place to hide.Enter the first aisle at left while facing theexit - B1. See the maincomputer server which is placed in a recess.Divert Ewan: Time to getEwan away from his desk.Raise or lower the temperature until an alarmsounds.Back up, back up, turn left, forward, left to enter the first aisleon the left and go curved right into the recess.Find the computer main drive:Once Ewan enters and passes by - exit the server room and go to Ewan's desk.Open the drawer left of his chair and see thecomputer.Wiretap: Use the spyglass and see symbols on the wires.The clips taken from Moira's safe box is atright. The clip has a red end and the other end has a symbol.The aim of the puzzle is to place the clip'sred end on a symbol that is similar to the clip's other end.The clipshould not cross another clip.Right click to turn the clip and left click toplace it on the wire symbol.I'd recommend to place the clips by size fromlargest to smallest.Exit the control room as soon as the wiretap iscorrectly done. AmateurMasterFind a way to listen in on what Zoe is up to part 2:Revenant call: Go to the trainstation. Get a call from Revenant and the caller sounds surprised that Nancysucceeded on the test.

Hear Katesay she's followed by 2 black cars and the men do not realize that it's allover. Kate realizes that lark (Moira) lied - there was no back up.Safehouse: Go to the safehouseat Loch Lomond.Go to the computer. Select the bug icon at topright.

Select the drone bug at right.Hear Zoe quote: 'From where I come, there I go.' Check out the results from tapping Ewan's computer:Click on the wiretap icon at top left.' The scientist is alive. Will he speak.' There'san image of Harrier-Kate that was salvaged. It is expected to contain codedinformation about the scientist that is hiding.Enhance the image Ewan sent over his computer:Click the enhance icon at top right to see Kate'spicture in disordered pieces.Swap the pieces of Kate's picture to form a whole.Find and replace the missing disk from the cipherwheel:Go to the vault in the fireplace. Open it and takethe cipher wheel.Place the cipher wheel taken from the control roomglass case on the cipher.

We'll continue this puzzle later.Find out what Zoe locked away with her special phrase:Go back to the hotel. Talk to Zoe outside thehotel.Go to room and zipline to Zoe room across thecourtyard.You might need to go back to Nancy's room sometime to notbe caught by Zoe.Painting: Use thespyglass and see prints on the wall painting. Swing the painting open andsee familiar symbols.Find the code: The symbolsare familiar. Open the Queen Mary book and see similar symbols.Find the symbols for the quote Zoe said on thebug - (Amateur)' From where I come, there I go' or (Master) This is thegame I am in.' AmateurMasterClick the symbols on the wall for 'from, where and I'.Click the symbols on the wall for 'This isthe'.Then click the symbols that make up COME.Then click the symbols that make up GAME.Click the symbols for 'there and Igo.'

Click the symbols for 'Iam in.' Safe: The safe opens.Check the contents and see a brown trackingnote with code. This needs to be decoded. Nancy says there must bethings around that would help.There's a deck of cards.Check the different passports and wig.Find code pieces: Lookaround the room to find the cutouts that will help decode the letters inthe paper. AmateurMaster (solutionsent by Sahin Tokgoz)Track down passwords for the locked entries in thearchives:Nancy says Parnitha (amateur) or Orchidaceous(Master) and wonders if there issomething at archives.Go to Cathedral control room.Talk to Ewan. Ewan says Alec is an only child.Nancy shows the cards to Ewan.

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He counts them andsays the deck is missing one card.Go to the computer.Select the 3 brown locked files. Enter as password- Parnitha.Read about the return of Colony and thatNancy-kestrel was brought in because of that.

Kate's code might be in plainsight. Read the last communication of Kate before her death. She states theformula is obtained and is hidden in the cards. They must be soaked inwater. The location of the scientist is known. She is still looking forcards.Get a text message from Zoe about zipping to herroom.Find the deck and soak it in water:Go back to the room and use the cards on theflower vaseon the table.

The cards need time to soak.Zoe: Go outside and talkto Zoe. Learn more things about her and Colony.Alec: Go to the stationand talk to Alec. He says he does have a sister and whoever said that hedoesn't is a liar.Figure out the secret of the letters mom spraypainted.Since the locked archive file stated that Katecodes are in plain sight; remember Kate's picture that shows Kate and spraypainted letter.The letters are G C E E B A D F a C; read left toright as she stated in one of her documents.Chanter: The only document wehave that has those letters are in the bagpipe book.The bagpipe in the arena is missing a chanter.Go to the souvenir wall in the station.

Buy achanter.Bagpipe: Travel to the LochLomond and enter the arena.Use the chanter on the bagpipe.Review the bagpipe book. See the holes on thechanter that need to be covered for the musical notes.Play the notes Kate spray painted on the wall:G C E E B A D F a C.Chanter holes - 1 234 5678Closed holes are light blue and open holes areblack.G - Click on all holes - all holes should belight blue. Click on music sheet.C - Open holes 67. Click on music sheet.E E - Open holes 48, all others should beclosed. Click on music sheet - TWICE.